> Will teakwondo let me go back to my belt?

Will teakwondo let me go back to my belt?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Do you mean Tae Kwon Do?

BTW just to be humorous, I've seen Tae Kwon Do misspelled the way you did and have seen some interesting comments. The one I always laugh at is that Teak Won Do is a martial art that focuses on wood! On that same note, I made a typo when first typing this and put in "Tea Kwon Do" so I guess I'm really tired and thinking about some tea!

On the serious side of things. I don't know what TKD does but in some styles such as Uechi Ryu ranks below black belt are at the discretion of the instructor. An example of this would be if a student came to me and say was a 5 kyu. I have the option of recognizing that rank, making the student test and determine what rank they should be, having the student train wearing a white belt until I determine what rank they should be, or even having them start over as a 10 kyu (white belt).

Not knowing what TKD does and knowing that there are many different organizations, your best bet is to talk to the instructor that you plan to train under. Bring your certificates if you still have them and see what they say.

As an FYI, in a case like yours, if you were a Uechi Ryu student and hadn't trained in over a year, I'd have you either start over until the first test, then have you test for the rank that your skill indicated. So don't be surprised if they do the same or have you start over.

No. And why should anyone allow that? You get rank by your ability. You do not have the ability or knowledge you had when you got your last belt. There is no valid reason why you should start back at the same belt. but, you will probably be able to get back to that level quicker than you did the first time.


Probably not. Unless you proved your knowledge and abilities and then some.

You may start out as a white belt again and progress through level quickly, or you may be given a test to try to re-earn your previous belt. As mentioned, bring your certificates as proof for your case.

So I stopped teakwondo 4 belts away from my black belt in 4th grade now it has been 3 yrs and I really want to go back.Will they let me? Even if I try a different center will they let me get my ranking?Help please?!