> Will kicks work in a street fight?

Will kicks work in a street fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I am flexible and is a do a roundhouse kick to somebodys head, will the be able to react and block it?

Maybe. There's really no telling until it goes down. But a head-height kick is riskier than other techniques. All kicks have the problem of having both feet off the ground, which puts you on a smaller, less-stable base. Kicks that high also require a bit of distance for most people, and you also run the risk of pulling or tearing muscles or tendons. Your center of gravity will shift too, which can negatively effect your balance. Also, it's a long way from the ground to the other guy's head, so a kick is easier to see coming than a shorter strike (punch, knee, head butt, etc).

Not saying it's impossible, but for the reasons listed above, it wouldn't be my first choice. Wouldn't even be top 15, maybe more, to be honest.

Depends on a few things.

Depends on your ability - Most of the times I've watched people messing up a head kick they had no business doing one, hell, even a punching bag would have been a challenge to them, if that's your ability level then forget it, a high kick is only high risk as far as you're concerned.

If you have the ability to use high kicks against resisting targets without winding up on your butt then it depends on your aggressor. I could probably flatten the average guy with a high kick, maybe even a few tougher people but there are people that it would be a bad idea to try it with no matter how good I think I am, they'd dodge it and I'd be exposed while I tried to pull myself back to a neutral position or (this happened in a competition that allowed no grappling) my opponent was many times better than me and 'caught' my leg between his neck and shoulder - according to the rules since his hands made no contact with my leg it wasn't grappling and I was plain old unlucky and he kicked me clean off my remaining foot.

Like John said it's a risk and reward kind of thing.

If you have the flexibility and skill to do it, yes, it will work. The problem is that it may work too well and you could end up killing someone with it. You are talking about a lot of force to someone's head and neck. If people can die from one punch, they can certainly die from a head kick.

People warn you against head kicks because most of us cannot do them well enough to use them in a street fight. Many of us cannot even use them in class.

Not a roundhouse kick to the head. Very rarely are any kicks to target areas above the waist practical in a real fight. You are confusing what you see at the movies for real life situations.

Use straight kicks. Round houses are for when the target isn't expecting it, at a certain range, and not moving toward you. It's a high risk, high reward kind of situation. But when the person doesn't have a melee weapon, there's little benefit to kicking them farther away vs using a front kick that targets at less range.

High kicks IMHO are not great in a self defense situation. Lower kicks are highly effective but not very sexy. Kick most people in the shin and they're going to drop as most people don't condition their bodies.

Mid level kicks are harder to get off effectively but they too can be very effective. I once kicked a guy in the stomach as he charged me. And he went down like a ton of bricks.

So yes kicks will work, but they have to be done right and in a way that you don't set yourself up to be hurt

Kicks to the head would not be the most practical strike, but kicking someone in the leg or midsection would be extremely effective! As for the face, just punch 'em, man.

Kicks are 3 times as strong as punches but 2 times as easy to block due to distance if your opponent is off balance then go for it you will not only inflict a lot of pain if you hit the facial region but will likely knock him over but if he blocks or worse grabs your leg it is very easy to break your leg like that it all comes down to if your an experienced kicker

A high kick is kind of a high risk, high reward kind of thing. You hit it, awesome. You miss, your opponent has an opening on you. I would personally rather go for low kicks.

It depends on how balanced you are, don't want anyone to catch that leg! And be quick

I am flexible and is a do a roundhouse kick to somebodys head, will the be able to react and block it?

Spinning kicks tend to be quite useful, especially because they are very unanticipated.