> Will karate make my muscles bulky? arms and legs.?

Will karate make my muscles bulky? arms and legs.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The only way you're going to get "bulky legs" is if you lift heavy weights while increasing your caloric, and specifically protein, intake.

Taking karate will not do that.

The science of hypertrophy (muscle growth):



Examples of female karate competitors, who train far more often than you're likely to:

No, martial training offers strength through muscle tone and dynamics, not muscle size. Even doing standard calisthenics (push-ups, etc.) will not bulk you up. If you have the option to go to class more often you should. Two to three times a week is a good rate to train even as a beginner. If the classes are just once a week, focus on doing your training precisely to get the most benefit out of each class session.

its genetically impossible for a girl to get buff and or bulky without any sort of hormone enhancer.

a lot of girls make it seem as though if they pick up a weight or do something not girly "poof" they will get big and bulky lol don't worry about it and just do it if anything you will even get a better figure and form karate and a better/stronger foundation.

You have to do it more than once a week.. practise at home for about 3 nights a week and build up until you're doing maybe 5/6 nights a week.A little a night. Don't overwork yourself. :)

As a girl, you don't have the male hormone testosterone which is why guys can bulk up which they workout. This means short of taking anabolic steroids, there is little to no chance of you bulking up.

How would it? It's not body building. You may gain strength in your arms and legs but no it won't "bulk" you up.

quite the contrary. Your muscles would be toned, fit and strong!!

no, if anything it will slim you down and make you stronger.


I am a girl and I used to figure skate so I don't want bulky arms or legs at all. I like to have skinny legs and I want to try karate or martial arts, but I am afraid my legs will bulky up. Will doing karate once a week make my muscles bulky?