> Will Krav Maga alone get me in shape?

Will Krav Maga alone get me in shape?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It has everything to do with the level of intensity and seriousness of instruction you receive. Therefore, it is more about the instructors approach and commitment to your training. That being said,... Yes, in the right environment Krav Maga will definitely get you in shape.

@John (member since 2-15-2011), you are cordially invited to come to any Krav Maga Alliance affiliate (KravMagaAlliance.com/affiliates) and show the instructor what "crap" Krav Maga is. If you hadn't block your profile information I would be happy to give you the location closest to you myself.

Why not, we all hear about how Krav Maga is the saviour of the world self defense problems and how it is the very best training to teach the very worst students to become even the best veteran fighter in just months. It teaches people how to dodge bullets and avoid knife and sword strikes and how to catch a shot from a army tank and throw it back at it. So of course it could get you into shape just like all the other perfect things it does. because it is just so superior to every other style of martial art and self defense in the world.

They tell you it takes the very best from all styles and uses it to be the best and most perfect defense ever and that all other styles are rubbish. Wonder where i have heard this before? ohhhh sounds like the MMA arguement..

So yeah train Krav Maga it can get you into shape and make you perfect. It helped the alleged "15 year veteran of KM" who had a good 80lbs on me, that told me and then proceeded to showed me how inferior my style was compared to Krav maga.. he is still sleeping it off. Maybe he needed to work on his KM fitness ?

No it will not. Krav maga usually markets itself as self defense for everyone. That means you can be 100 lbs girl or 300 lbs man and you should be able to do it. So it's not physically tough. And the civilian version of krav maga is crap. If you are in the Israeli military then it's great. Or if you are fortunate enough to find someone who learned it in the Israeli military then go for it. But other than that I would not recommend krav maga to anyone.

If you are over weight and need to lose a few lbs then forget about training for now. The reason you are fat is because of food. That's what you need to fix. What you eat. If you eat good, healthy food the weight will drop. The battle for weight is won or lost in the kitchen. Not on the treadmill.

Yes if you practice it for 8 hours a day for 12 months in Israel or as counter un forces. Then you go fight as a grunt and if you dont get killed you can get better training and become a teacher . That's the only way to practice krav maga war art.

'Anything' per se can get one in shape, physically speaking.

Take a look at Tiger Woods, he does golf + weights. Take a look at LeBron James, he plays basketball + numerous resistance training techniques.

Do not put yourself into a proverbial corner and think ONLY Krav Maga will get you into shape physically.

In the words of the late, great Bruce Lee: Be Like Water!

Or, in other words: Conform to Nothing but Embrace Everything!

KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN and if you truly embrace all the mental aspects, all the nutritional aspects, and all the physical aspects of Krav Maga you will become in excellent physical shape.

The Key: you must KEEP your mind open to the learning process as you are training! Therein lies your ultimate answer that ONLY YOU can answer, not Yahoo! Answers.

Just you wait: that answer is there, w-a-i-t-i-n-g for you to discover it.

Lastly: TRAIN YOUR *** OFF!

what do u mean in shape?

can u touch your toes?
