> Will I win this fight ?

Will I win this fight ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
No chance you'd win a fight against this fellow. Let your girlfriend go – she's not the faithful type. Maybe she just wasn't comfortable with a big guy like you.

You already asked this here:


Girls that sleep with other guys are not your girlfriend. They are the girlfriend of the guy they sleep with. They were your girlfriend when they didn't sleep with the other guy. Now they are ex-girlfriends.

No, I do not think you will win this fight. Benching is not fighting no matter how good you are at it.

How is being able to bench a certain weight help you in a fight?

Nope, you will have your backside handed to you...When you are in jail or hospital for attempting to assault this guy i bet she has a lot more fun with him while laughing at your expense haha

You have a lot to learn I give not martial mind for domestic crest.

If he is sleeping with her then she is not your girl friend,

Do you real think she is worth it if she goes with someone else so quickly

I got a truth for you, actually I have two truths for you and you aren't going to like either of them.

First truth is we don't know you and we don't know him so your answer is we don't know.

Second truth is we don't care either.

Don't, she isn't worth fighting for if she let's you fight for her.

He will clean your clock dude.

I weigh 240 lbs and can bench like 320 lbs plus I've done a bit of boxing so I know how to punch. This guy who has been sleeping with my girlfriend is like 170lbs and is a black belt 2nd dam in tradional jujitsu plus he is a instructor for muay thai do you think I'll be able to beat him up