> Why is fighting so borning now?

Why is fighting so borning now?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ignoring the fact (and it actually is a FACT) that there's much more striking/stand-up fighting in MMA than there's ever been, there are those of us who appreciate the "chess match" that is the grappling game. In fact, if your take on striking is that it's just "pummeling each others [sic] faces" then you don't really understand the finer points of THAT, either. I'd suggest actually learning about the fight game. I'd recommend boxing or kickboxing, but honestly I doubt you could appreciate those any better. Go for the unskilled "Tough Man" contests. Those of us who actually understand fighting can watch the rest.

I'm not a fan of UFC and all of the other MMA type fighting. I don't normally watch it except a little bit in passing.

Now I agree with a few of the others your 6 months of training is nothing. In fact if you said you had 2 years I'd say you didn't have much time to understand much of an art yet.

My points are that while I don't watch much fighting and agree that it can get "boring", the other comments are right in that there are many aspects that become much more interesting as you learn more.

In my case, I have mixed feelings about the popularity of this type of fighting. On one side, I think it's good to get folks interested in martial arts. On the other, I don't like how some look at martial arts strictly as fighting. And if you couple brutal fights, and kids that train in MMA schools with questionable instruction by people who only care about the fighting aspect, it only adds to the misconception that martial arts is all about fighting. And the loss of tradition, discipline, values, etc become clear to those of us who feel those are as important as being able to fight.

So yes I agree seeing a lot of various techniques is more interesting. But I also think if you are serious about learning martial arts you need to learn that training isn't just going for six months and becoming an expert from that.

well go watch Muay Thai, kickboxing or boxing because ground grappling is a massive part of fighting and without some knowledge of it in the modern world you are leaving yourself very exposed. When you understand the intricacies of it then you realize how good it is. Clearly you have never been put in a serious joint lock to see how dangerous it is. I would rather be punched in the face a few times than put into one serious joint lock.


Thats crap, half the people watch it for submission fighting and to top that off 6 months of training in BJJ wow, you still have not experienced a real joint lock lol

Because fighters are moving towards a wrestling base since its the best for mma. And the UFC is starting to get a lot of wrestlers. 6 UFC champions are wrestlers so that probably tells everyone else to brush up on their wrestling.

It's because you aren't a fight fan your a flashy moves fan. People like you are the reason the UFC is turning into more entertainment than pure fighting. This is the reason Ben Askren wasn't hired by the UFC. It's a shame really.

Since I started BJJ I actually appreciate the grappling part more. I don't think people are losing interest. You are.

Watch boxing than.

It has not really changed that much since it has been regulated.

But I will say watching Ben Askren fight is like watching paint dry

Watching fighting now is just so boring all they do is roll around on the floor trying to get arm locks on its more like watching wrestling now in fact wrestling is more entertaining.

why dont they ban that crap and get on with pummeling each others faces in like the good old days