> Why is cheating bad?

Why is cheating bad?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You sound like your regular gym meat head. "I want to get bigger and I don't care how". Hey, if that's what you want then who cares about the side effects of steroids? To be perfectly honest with you the side effects doesn't affect everyone. Most people who take steroids and its different alternatives don't actually suffer from the side effects. So the odds are in your favor.

I just think it's stupid to get bigger for no reason other than to get bigger.

The costs of using steroids outweigh the benefits. Because steroids are illegal, you never know how "pure" or "safe" the stuff that your taking is. How do you know that your dealer didn't dilute the juice he sells you so that he can sell more of it to maximize his profits? You don't know.

When you take steroids your body stops producing testosterone, so when you finally stop taking steroids your genitals may shrink, and then you will need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in order to perform "sexually" as a man. Baseball legend, Jose Canseco has to be on TRT for the rest of his life because his body has permanently lost the ability to produce testosterone from all of the years he was a juicer.

It's cheating because it's not about how hard and diligent you train, but how much money you got to buy the drugs even if there were steroids without side effects. It is also useless because speed and strength without skill just makes you a clumsy ox. Drugs do not automatically give you the skills to use whatever strength or speed you may gain.

The anabolic steroids abused by athletes are synthetic versions of testosterone, a male hormone. Both men and women naturally produce testosterone. But like all hormones -- which regulate the body's most basic functions -- throwing one's testosterone out of balance can have wide-ranging consequences.

Men who take anabolic steroids may:

-Develop breasts

-Get painful erections

-Have their testicles shrink

-Have decreased sperm count

-Become infertile

-Become impotent

Women who take anabolic steroids may:

-Grow excessive face and body hair

-Have their voices deepen

-Experience menstrual irregularities

-Have reduced breast size

Both men and women who take anabolic steroids may:

-Get acne

-Have an oily scalp and skin

-Get yellowing of the skin (jaundice)

-Become bald

-Have tendon rupture

-Have heart attacks

-Have an enlarged heart

-Develop significant risk of liver disease and liver cancer

-Have high levels of "bad" cholesterol

-Have mood swings

-Fly into rages

-Suffer delusions

Teens who take anabolic steroids may:

-Have short height due to arrested bone growth

-Girls may suffer long-term masculinization

-Since steroids are often taken by injections, there is also the risk of getting HIV or hepatitis infection from an unsterile needle or syringe.

So why,just WHY would you risk all that to be a little stronger and faster? And without your steroids you would be NOTHING so everyone would discover what a fake you are.

Go train at American top team or Greg Jackson's MMA gym and dedicate a few years to living at altitude then go back to the land of the living and be a beast.

It's technique that gets the job done, technique takes time, the natural way is best.

Steroids are probably addictive and make people that use them look grotesque.

Lets refer to Lloyd

Neanderthal thinking. Duh I wanna be big and strong,and lift heavy weights. Why?

Because you are a neaderthal.

Big muscles,little d1ck. lololol I will stay normal , and fxck all the girls you can't lololol

steroids can cause cancer

like using steroids for example

I want to be bigger faster stronger then everyone else and steroids make it easier and give me an advantage

of course steroids have side effects so I dont take them but if they were perfectly safe I would totally use them

all I care about is being physically superior to everyone how I make that happen makes no difference to me I don't care about challenging myself I just want results as easy as possible

its a dog eat dog world gotta give myself an edge somehow