> Why du peopl always maek fun of me?

Why du peopl always maek fun of me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I triped in skool tuday, an these kids wer maeking fun of me. Why ar theye doing thise?

Don't Mind me just trying to help you.. it is May be because you are weak or ugly looking that's why they make fun of you.Specially physically weak so that they can make fun of you and you can't scratch a **** of them maybe strong but people don't believe in you because you are short heighted or skinny.To get Rid of it my advice is be cool,happy don't shy of anything be confident.its your life not their.learn something special that people can't.Try to be top in studies,learn guitar or any music instrument or fighting style if you like.Just be special.and dont have any attitude if you are a wrestling fan okay it's all scripted and fake if you don't know please check it out on internet..JUST BE DIFFERENT and never mind what peoples calls you don't ever show your emotions to them that you are hurt.It will always gives them joy and confidence to make fun of you more......

Man, stop being selfish. If other people are having fun, then why are you trying to make them feel bad? Just let them have fun. You're one person. You don't want everyone else to not have fun just because you're a selfish jerk, do you?

Why do you care what people think? Be a man, not a little girl.

You should go complain to your mom, and her brother - your father.

I'm surprised. You're in school?

Because you can't spell

I triped in skool tuday, an these kids wer maeking fun of me. Why ar theye doing thise?