> Why don't people respect martial arts?

Why don't people respect martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Learning a martial art, you should be developing an inner confidence. You shouldn't be bragging about your ability as a martial artist. Should you have a need to use it is the only appropriate time to proclaim your ability as a martial artist. -- "If you want people think well of you, do not speak well of yourself."

What is sold as "Martial arts" is usually by either hollywoods and business types who don't know anything but have come up with their own styles so inflate their ranks. People have come to expect walmart versions of all martial arts, all flash without substance. Some instructors do not even realize that they are peddling crap as they are blinded by what they have been told is tradition. Then there are the parents that want to say that their children have a black belt so go to cheap knockoff places that will sell them a black belt.

If you want real martial arts you have to train with someone with direct contact with the source. If the person teaches MMA, they better have competed in mma (not like the UFC gyms that look for any instructors) if you are training in Karate, your instructor should have documents that they have obtained ranks in Okinawa, TKD instructors should be recognized by Korea.

Most instructors are too lazy to make sure they are selling what they are claiming to sell.

@Keyboard Warrior: REAL traditionalist do not yell hiiya, watch a video on REAL Karate not the tournament champions.

Because a lot of people receive bunk training. Then after they actually get into a fight they realize how useless what they teach is.

Not martial arts, but people only learning a small amount and being lied to instead of brought up to the level they would be facing.

Because an instructor felt they were not ready to learn or some cheap lame cop out. Which actually really means, the instructor felt they were ready for things ranging from being hospitalized to injured. But not for the instructor to take a risk.

Honestly how can you respect that?

hey friend

you mustn't expect people to respect you as a martial artist

your goal must be to be powerful to help the poor people

you must be a hero not someone who wants to

frightens others with his martial arts

focus on your training

People like to remain ignorant bc they don't want to admit their faults. They want to feel secure, tough, etc, and thus say "martial arts are useless" etc.

They say this and puff out their tests bc they know deep in their hearts they are wrong. They want to look cool. It's plain ol schooled childish behavior.

Can't argue with ignorant people.

Why are you going around telling people that you do martial arts? Why would you expect people p respect martial arts? No has to respect it. Just go train and don't worry about if someone respects what you do or don't do.

Everybody is going to pick their own path in life. Some people don't see the point in doing martial arts, and it very well may be that martial arts have no real purpose in their lives. I don't care for sports and find them useless to my life, but I feel like I'm in the minority as a non-sports fan. It doesn't matter, though. I've made fun of sports as well, but it doesn't really mean anything. If somebody gives you a hard time over it, tell them they're full of crap or just laugh it off. Doesn't really matter what they think about it. Martial Arts have made my life better and more enjoyable and I'm happy to explain that to anybody that thinks they're a waste of time. Anybody that can conclude that something that makes somebody else happy is stupid is not using their brain to the fullest extent.

This is no different to a martial artist not respecting what any other person in the world can do. It has nothing to do with respect or disrespect of martial arts it has everything to do with humanity and the society of fools that the modern world has created.

We cannot think at all even if you try to see what I know all things after you breathe again if your lucky my dotty martial just learn the form.

Don't let the ignorant get you down.

So I do martial arts, and most people when i tell them say "well i don't care ill just punch you it won't make a difference" even though they could not be more wrong. Also, every one just assumes that EVERY martial artist either does Karate or Taekwondo, which pisses me off. Why don't people respect martial arts!?

Why do YOU want respect from ignorant people? Isn't it more important to be respected by those you respect or admired?

Side note: im telling them because they ask what i do, and im mad because they are rude to me about it

All society understands of martial arts, is people dressing up in weird uniforms and breaking boards while screaming "hiiii-ya!" It's the stereotypes perpetuated in the media but it's also perpetuated by the traditionalist community because many of them do, do that...It looks silly and it makes all of us look silly.

Honestly, most of us have learned a long time ago, not to tell others you do martial arts. For one it looks like bragging, two it makes you look silly, and three, it's often taken as a challenge to fight you. Share it with the right company. Consider inviting people to come down to see what it is that you do. You may change their preconceived notions about it. And if they have an ego, invite them into the ring with you.