> Why don't I ever fight back?

Why don't I ever fight back?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Its all intimidation, there are never any such thing as one-one fights anymore its all free for all, Just take a group with you this time back you up.

It’s training. You have been trained since you were a child to behave in a socially accepted manner. If you start hitting someone/something or start physically showing your anger/frustration you were punished to stop you from acting that way in the future. Not being able to fight back is a sign of good parenting.

Also it’s a good thing you didn’t fight back because it’s not worth it. What if you started fighting and the other guy had a weapon? What if the other driver came out as you were fighting and held you down. The guys stomping at your head until you are half brain dead. Only thing you would have gained is a little ego boost if you won. My philosophy is, unless there is a something I would gladly trade my life for at the end of the fight, don’t fight. Examples being lives of my loved ones, many lives in general if I could save them, and my life{my life is worth betting my life over})

Now you are thinking, ‘then am I supposed to just stay a victim of a punch? Every time something like this happens I let the guy walk over me?’ The answer is no. You were supposed to have stopped something like this from happening in the first place. You shouldn’t have cut the other guy off, because that’s flat out dangerous and it cause things like this to happen. Also the other guy can only punch you if you had your window down. Why did you have your window down? To talk smack to the other person.(Either that or you drive a convertible in the middle of winter.) Not the best idea. You need more training in preventing a fight.

To be quite frank, yes you are. I don't care if you have training or not, you should have fought back. Some people have a "killer instinct" within them. That means, they have the guts to fight whether they have training to not. Training can help, but some people are just natural passive... or cowards.

Before I ever training in martial arts, I have always had that instinct to fight back. See, in the grand scheme of things, it's all a matter of what you do when the time calls for it. And it sounds like you're simply not a fighter. That's not a slam, and in fact, it is going to get you a lot further in life. BUT, you won't get chicks that way. Think about it. Do you think any girl who isn't fat or doesn't have emotional problems wants to be with a guy who won't fight back? That means you won't defend her if the time ever calls for it. So do yourself a favor and stop pissing people off, otherwise you're going to stay single forever. Wuss.

So this is the second time in my life that I've been punched in the face and both times I didn't hit back. This basterd cut me off so i returned the favor. We stopped at the light and his friend just opened the door and punched me in the face. I wasn't really in a position to fight back however I didn't even try getting out of the car. He just got back in his car and drove off. Now all I can think about is that I should have gotten out and fought him. Am I just a pussy? Cause i sure do feel like one right now