> Why doesn't Aikido work in real life?

Why doesn't Aikido work in real life?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Yes it works ask Stephen Segall

The techniques and flow of aikido especially the flow is pretty good...but the "attacks" in the dojo used to bring about those counters are the most fakest I've ever seen! U might find one good YouTube video reppin aikido out of 100...oh and aikido wrist locks ARE painful and yes sometimes u do have to throw urself to relieve the pressure of an aikido joint lock but they could benefit from judo-style randori to see what works and improve or toss w/e doesn't

Did you learn how to walk suddenly with no practice first? I seriously doubt it. Like everyone else you stood up shakily and took a step or two before falling down. Over time you learned how to walk well. Aikido and other martial arts are much like that. first you learn how to defend against an attack that is much less realistic than people would like. Then if you stick to the training, you develop the ability to defend against a serious attack. Even in wrestling they don;t throw two guys on the floor to fight without having them first learn how to do the basic techniques. students work one on one in a slower less aggressive way to learn the basics. Then they begin to kick up the intensity as they get more experienced. Aikido requires that you master technique, not strength. Aikido will not work using strength. to learn how to not use strength and do everything properly, takes a long time.

And for the record, many police officers are trained in Aikido techniques. Are people so ignorant that they ignore that because they want to believe that Aikido does not work...???


Unknowledgeable persons such as the poster of the question, often make such statements based on their lack of experience and comprehension.

If you really don't believe Aikido is effective and functional then please, go to the nearest Aikido dojo, interrupt the class, walk boldly onto the mat as you loudly tell everyone present that Aikido, in your opinion, is a large load of male bovine excrement and then attack the sensei.

When you do this, please have a friend handy with a video camera to record what then transpires and post the same online for the whole world to see. You will have either proved your point beyond doubt or you will have learned a valuable lesson....

Akido techniques are taught in a manner that allows students to continue to train. When techniques are delivered and received at full speed they are very traumatic to the one receiving the same.

Wakarimasu, tomodachi?

Tomiki included randori into aikido. Ask the Tokyo riot police if aikido is useless. It's all about how an art is trained.

Aikido "does work." You just haven't figured out how it works for "you." Maybe Aikido isn't the right martial art for you. Maybe you need to study a fighting system that is better suited for your attitudes and beliefs. Keep searching. The right fighting style for "you" is out there somewhere.

Yes but bad training doesn't. Real aikidoka back in the day would not let you train unless you held a black belt or equlviant. The reason being when they started sparing out of a class of twenty after 2-3 hours of training mainly sparing one on oner nhb or weapons and streeet situations full contact someone would have a majour injury ever lesson. People died all the time just like they do still to this day in the striped down sportive version of judo which works in real life. I'm calling out kw on this respond.

It depends on how you train it. Most teach it ineffectively, but that doesn't mean you can't use it in real life. However, having said that, it's more of a peaceful art meant for self cultivation so even if you trained it more realistically it is still a more passive art which waits for the attacker to attack first; a no no.

Why do people that are ignorant about aikido and that would know good aikido make post or comments about it when they shouldn't?


A lot of the techniques came from samurai training, so unless you're fighting against samurai knives and swords, the techniques often don't translate 100% to modern day stuff.

So unless you can adapt it yourself, it's difficult to implement, as it is. You can copy it 100%, sure, but if the problem never existed back in their day, then their techniques can't solve it.

You need to devote a lot of time to study and practice.

If your looking for street self defense you may need to look at another martial art.

It's because you didn't use it properly.

Aikido works just fine in real life, if you can't get aikido to work then your the one that is incompetent and not the style.

The Tokyo police department use aikido as well as Tampa Florida, NYC police, Newark Nj police department and many other police departments all over the united states and the world. people that make false claims about aikido needing compliance to work have no understanding of grappling or how grappling and joint locks work.

There are thousand of videos and news articles on the success of aikido being used in real life. But I doubt you want to hear the truth you just want your own opinion supported


Because it's dependent on opponent compliance. When you stop complying and letting your opponent wrist toss you, it no longer works. When you start punching your opponent in the face as he's trying to wrist toss you, it makes it alot harder.

It does......