> Why does kickboxing not use full muay thai rules?

Why does kickboxing not use full muay thai rules?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Callsign is right. It wasn't because of Overeem. It was from the dominance of the Thai fighters, particularly Buakaw por Pramuk (now Buakaw Baenchamek), which forced them to implement additional rules. IMO, it was to handicap them in order to give the Japanese kickboxers a fighting chance. I don't believe it was to distinguish themselves away from Muay Thai simply because they had no qualms about these rule changes when contracting earlier Thai fighters into K-1. It was the dominance of the aggressive clinch-savy fighters like Buakaw who often made quick work of their karate and kickboxing heroes (ie: Masato) that induced this change.

"can you use a front kick? i know it is a muay thai move."

It is not a "Muay Thai move". It is a fighting move. Semmy Schilt had one of the most successful front kicks in K-1, and he had a karate background.

"i heard they changed the rules cause of the reem when he fought in k-1."

They initiated the first rule change pretty blatantly because of Buakaw Por Pramuk. The change said that you could only throw one knee from the clinch. That was in 2005. In 2010, they banned throwing ANY strikes in the clinch. While it theoretically lessened Overeem's chances, it also lessened the chances of fighters looking to clinch defensively, because the rules specified that "passive" clinching was also banned.

There are many forms of kickboxing. You're talking about K-1 They don't use Muay Thai rules because they don't want to, simple as. It creates a different "flavor". Besides, you already have Muay Thai; why would you want to create an exact duplicate of something that already exists? The rules in K-1 favor the Japanese and Dutch styles of kickboxing. They're governed by criteria more similar to Western boxing, where as traditional Muay Thai is judged primarily on knees and clinch throws, with low kicks and punches being secondary.

Why didnt pride and UFC fight under the same rules, why doesnt rugby league and rugby union play under the same rules? why doesnt Karate and TKD fight under the same rules... because they are all different sports, styles or governing bodies and use rule changes and structures to establish the difference between the 2. If kickboxing fought under Muay Thai rules then it would still be Muay Thai and not Kickboxing.

naw your right i think you can knee to the head but only can clinch with one hand and that was cause of the reem and i think thats only k-1 the big things elbows, basically yes muay thai is way more exciting its better kickboxing rules are gay af theres thai guys who wont fight for them for that reason. it limits kickboxers too kickboxers like to use those techniques too

it is a different sport. Every sport has their own set of rules. If a fighter competes in more than one sport that have to prepare to fight under different set of rules. this can lead to them 2nd guessing themselves. They may hesitate to do certain strikes because they have to keep in mind the rules set for the sport they are fighting that day. If you hesitate the chance is already gone.

Most people know Ronda Rousey. She is an Olympic medalist for judo. Now she is the UFC female champion. Most of her fights end early. She fights in a haste by UFC standards. There is a reason for this. For many years she has trained under judo rules. In judo you only get a limited amount of time to get the submission or they will stand you back up. You can't wait for them to make a mistake or to give you something. You have to force them to give up something. She has this mindset from years of judo. But in the UFC they allow you more time when fighting on the ground to get your submission. She has gotten used to the difference in rules yet. She even admitted this of her first fight that went beyond the 1st round. In mma and bjj you are allowed to be more patient. In fact it can be to your advantage to be more patient.

like glory, k-1. i know that it is kickboxing & not muay thai but some fighters are muay thai fighters who fight for glory or k-1.

i would love to see knees from the clinch. i heard they changed the rules cause of the reem when he fought in k-1. he has scary knees.

im sorry if i sound dumb. im new to watching kickboxing. i only been watching for a year.

he seems to me it is bad to the muay thai fighters & makes them weaker.

why is it? can you use a front kick? i know it is a muay thai move.