> Why do fans judge mma fighters and boxers?

Why do fans judge mma fighters and boxers?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you put yourself on a stage or in the spotlight prepare to be judged. Get over it.

"I live by boxing and mma fans and they don't bother running for a few miles or circuit training"

I live by fans of Dexter and they don't bother to become serial killers. How dare they!

Many fans love to live vicariously through what they see and think in so far as fighting and fighters go. You are correct in that many of them have never had any type of real training or could handle it if they were to try and experience it themselves. However its fun and convenient for them to fantasize about this and many do because it gives them some satisfaction to.

Some of course will also go on to at times evaluate things and speak of them when they attempt to apply their own meager knowledge. I just pretty much ignore these types because usually they are not open to hearing or listening to anything that might run contrary to their opinion even if it comes from someone who might know otherwise. Alcohol also sometimes has something to do with this as well which only compounds the problem really which is another reason why I generally don't bother with them or waste my time getting worked up over their ignorance.

How is this any different from the Arm chair rugby supporter or NFL supporter or Tennis supporter or Baseball supporter or Soccer fan...Seriously it happens in every sport.

People tend to find fault when they are watching it and not living in the moment. Honestly anyone of these athletes in any sport would beat a fan hands down without trying. Until you have seen a professional athlete train and seen the time and dedication day in and day out then you have no idea what goes into what they day. I see this everyday and i am amazed when i see exactly how good an athlete is at what they do.

You pay for your ticket or PPV, or the cover charge at the bar that pays the bar's PPV, you get to have an opinion. That's the business model. There would be no such thing as professional sports if wasn't for people sitting on their butts judging other people.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day

Teach a man to fish and he will eat forever

Live by this addendum and u will have a succesful life

forget the naysayers

There supposed to.

My dad trained in martial arts and he told me all the determination,heart,fighters have to win and not to give up and keep fighting even if an arm or nose is broken

Fans for the most part dont posses this and yet they feel like they can judge a fighters training,their athleticism,heart?

I live by boxing and mma fans and they don't bother running for a few miles or circuit training