> Why do body builders think they are good fighters?

Why do body builders think they are good fighters?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ego, that's why they are body builders.

Am I missing something? I Did not see where the question said "all body builders"? Why do so many think he is saying all?

Why do so many kids on here want to do weight training when they do martial arts? Same reason. Wouldn't it make more sense that if you did martial arts to spend more time at martial arts to refine and hone one's skill? Good skill takes little strength but it does take lots more patience and time. Building strength takes less time and yields quicker results and we all like the idea of fast. Shake it, bake it and it's ready.

...and then there is the media helping the big guys too telling everybody how strong they are and intimidating looking. I tell you bodybuilding is a different strength. It only targets muscles that show and develops those as opposed to a full body work out when you do martial arts. There are a lot of underlying muscle groups that you need to move and that the showy muscles can not do effectively without. Muscle groups work together.

What makes you think that all or most body builders think that? i have had occasions to be around many body builders that were in awe of what well trained martial artists can do. One extremely large body builder once asked me how could fight as well as I did at the time. He was humble and had no bad A## attitude. Every... person is different no matter what they do. to generalize that this group is this way or that is to show our own ignorance of what other people are or can be. We don;t like it when others treat us as if what ever group we are in is a certain way. so why do we as a people do the same thing by categorizing other people and assuming that we know what they are like.

You are over generalizing things. I've many friends who are bodybuilders and some of them study a martial art. And none of them have that kind of arrogant or ignorant attitudes. Just because some bodybuilders you know have the mindsets of a bully, does not mean they all are of same mindedness.

You are going to find out that there are people from all walks of life who feel that the only way they can elevate their self-esteem is to lower others'; to step on people to feel superior.

Its the human adage of only the strongest survive. There fore people think that weightlifters and body builders are big tough men/women. This is so far from the truth but it is one of those cliche's that has worked its way into the human psyche. This is the same reason why people think that men can best women and larger men are superior to smaller men and so on. Its just Human stupidity.

Just by reading your question, I can tell that you are not suitable to be taught any martial art. And I am one of the more relaxed and nicest that you will see in forums. Think the whys, and you may get on a much better track.

I don't want to be strict, but people with these type of oppositional and categorizing people according to hobbies issues, that see people that are doing a specific hobby as enemies, and also think that is a crime for people that are doing a specific hobby, to believe in themselves, and their ability to defend themselves, are not suitable to learn any type of combat skill.

I agree with Liondancer and Shaeek.

It's human mentality. I am strong you are not, I should be able to take you, instead of "you have had 10 yrs of training, I have had none, chances are I can't take you".

And like others said overconfidence and ego play a big part in it.

But pugpaws2 is also very right. Most bodybuilders do not think that way.

Who cares I like it when people are confident its good for them. Unless your mentaly changgled your not going to fight a fighter just because you lift weights. You may be more confident but not delusional unless your a bully then peoples fear of your prowess will make you crazy enough to think you can fight. I'd say lifting weights makes you better than lazy Joe blow but not a trained fighter.

Because people are idiots. Lifting weights does not make you a good fighter. Just as fighting doesn't make you a good weight lifter.

There is nothing wrong with lifting weights and doing martial arts at the same time.

why do body builders think they are good fighters like they think they can take on black belts in jiujitsu and karate just because they are bigger then get a total beat down and still they think they are tough guys ?

they r strong