> Why do UFC advertise SO much?

Why do UFC advertise SO much?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
In some way, you are right. It is sort of advertising too much. It seems like they are overruling the entire arena by their advertising tools.

Before, I find it hard to understand, not until I went into business. You see, it gives you an edge against your competitors if you are recognized by the people. All businessmen do all the means to gain popularity, and where else is a better place to do that, than getting into events where a lot of people come together. Plus, they are actually the sponsors of the said event. The fight won't be possible without their efforts. So, as a gratitude, their efforts are being recognized.

Tools like mats and other posted advertisements are used to promote a brand and in business, they are truly effective. Just ignore them if you want. After all, what you are after is the entertainment.

Have a great day!

Unlike any other sports you mean? Have you even seen a F1 car? How many logos are on that? Or one soccer players jerseys? Have you been to a hockey game? Whenever there is a break in the game there is an advertisement up on the big screen. All sports are like this. So I don't really get what you're trying to get at.

u gotta look at the ufc as a product.. how do you sell your product? you must inform the public about it, and you really needa show it!.. so that's basically what they are doing theyre advertiseing it to get the people to buy it... simple nuff sayd

They can advertise all they want. They have market research to show what types of advertisement works and how frequent. If it doesn't work, then they won't do it so much.


The UFC sucks, MMA -vs- a traditional martial art? I'll take a traditionalists art form over MMA any day.

MMA people are mostly ego inflated mouth running dimwits any way.

It's true......

i don't watch MMA or UFC

they advertise so much because they think they are the coolest sport ever

to make more money.

I know advertising obviously brings money in and helps get the companies product out there but isn't there such a thing as over selling? I mean there are logos for 8 different companies on the mat itself as well as on the cage and all around the arena. Even the replays have advertisements for example "fight replay brought to you by Bud Light". Not only that but the commentators promote products during the fights themselves. During UFC 174 earlier this month, EA UFC was verbally advertised by the commentators 3 times in the first 40 minutes. Even worse when the fighters are making their entrances they are wearing t-shirts and caps advertising other companies. They are literally walking billboards. I'm not doing this to complain, I'm just wondering if anyone feels the same way.