> Why did you quit at brown belt?

Why did you quit at brown belt?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you got to brown belt in a martial art, why did you quit then instead of going all the way to at least a 1st degree black belt?

My instructor may or may not have raped someone

Because the art that I studied had several things missing that I believed necessary to make it effective for my needs. I discovered another art which filled those needs. As I am not motivated by certificates or ego, I stopped, and and took up the new art. It have significantly improved me as a martial artist.

Interestingly the two other brown belts I trained with have effectively quit now they have their black belts, as that was the only goal that motivated the,. Once it was achieved, they had no reason to train.

I left Judo at Brown belt simply because i was at university, married, studying 2 other arts and since then just havent been able to find time to get back between running a household of 6, teaching, running a business and having to travel with my husbands career. This just means something had to be sacrificed.

I left at brown to join the Army. When I got out of boot camp, I'd gotten into an accident preventing me from doing anything for 6 months. I'd earned my brown belt and was working toward black belt.

After the 3 month hiatus for military training, plus 6 months rehab, I then realized to get to black belt I'd have to learn all new forms - we were changing from Chung Do Kwan to WTF. I did my rehab and found another school - starting out at white belt (a recurring theme for me for the next decade or so).

I have a brown belt in judo. I didn't just quit judo. I would have continued training in judo. But I could no longer train with my instructor because of post secondary school and work. I search for other schools/instructors that would be a fit for me. The closet thing I could find was a judo dojo that focused on the sport side of judo. I trained with them for a while. But the dojo informed us that they were going to move. The new location was too far for me to attend while going to school and working. I continued to search for in instructor and no longer considered a style. I met my instructor and have trained there every since. I have multiple black belt in different styles over the last 30 plus years.

I probably wold have not trained in in other styles if I were able to continue with my 1st instructor. Having a shodan was not my goal. Nor was any other rank. My objective was to learn as much as I could.

I had a karate brown belt and quit because I hated it. I'm currently a bjj blue belt and believe I will be training for life.

I had to retire from Shotokam karate at Brown Belt on medical advice due to a long term knee injury.

In my case, taking Tae Kwon Do... The entire system changed. This was back when TKD was organizing for certification as an Olympic sport. They were changing the rules into the rather-silly form used now.

I didn't care for the changes, felt they were impractical and even silly....So I quit.

I wanted too so i could focus on rugby but my parents said No so i stayed.

I am not going to know its hard to know.

If you got to brown belt in a martial art, why did you quit then instead of going all the way to at least a 1st degree black belt?