> Why are people so immature in karate?

Why are people so immature in karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
8 year old black belts? You do go to a McDojo.

All Karate or Tang Soo Do schools are not immature, you hit a bad school.

Kokoro - I've studied both, they're the same style just tang soo do means china hand way and karate means empty hand way the only thing different is the language and emphasis on deep stances the katas and everything are the same though.

well that is the difference between American teachers an Asian teachers. American teachers are in it for the money only, Asian teachers have more pride an discipline then American teachers, id take a vietnamese sufu over an American sensei any day,

that particular dojo reflects the instructors goals:

self-centered egotist



lack of respect

A real dojo trains your mind (history, mental preparation, introspection) as well as your body.

Belts are a north American invention to delineate students and make them feel like they have achieved something. On the case you show, it is a travesty. Several martial arts in Asia keep the white belt (sometimes for decades) until a black belt is earned.

My advice to you is to find another dojo that teaches the REAL spirit of martial arts.

personal i think your full of it.

karate and tang soo do are two different things they are from two different countries you would know that if you trained them

I'm sixteen years old and I take Tang Soo Do. I'm a red belt and I just transferred to a different dojo. My old instructor was really immature. There is a green belt named Maria who is Mexican. I know it makes me sound racist because I mention that, but it's not my intention. My instructor puts her up on a giant pedestal and has everyone worship her. Her picture is next to the Grandmaster on the wall. He names everything Maria. At the beginning of class, he told everyone to bow to the Maria flags. We have to do a ten minute meditation saying Maria. I think it's a total waste of time. I don't worship anyone. Another nine year old red belt farted and blamed it on me. He always dances while you're supposed to be paying attention. There's an eight year old black belt who doesn't have any discipline and refuses to listen to his mother. A few of the other Mexicans tell me that since I have autism, they can't work with me. I feel like I'm getting discriminated in this type of environment. Saturday is my first day at my new dojo. I can keep my rank because it's in the same organization. I feel like I should say the belt ranks are undeserved. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I feel like the only one with discipline in the class. The eight year old black belt acts very immature and rude towards the lower ranks. The nine year old red belt tells me that he's better because he has a stripe on his belt. He waves the belt in my face when I can obviously see the stripe.