> Why are most mma people on here such wannabes?

Why are most mma people on here such wannabes?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
They obviously are clueless about martial arts.

Could it be all about ego?

Being a wannabe has nothing to do with being a mma person or tma person. It has to do with that individuals character or lack of character.

Question like this do nothing but stir of strife. The reality is that humans have flaws. We all have them. This includes me and everyone else whether they will admit it or not.

Do you mean they just like the sport and don't know much about the technical aspects of it? If so, that's normal of all sports. I know when I was younger I would roll my eyes if someone started talking about MMA and clearly didn't know what they were talking about. Now I realize, it's not that big of a deal and just let them have their say.

If you're talking about guys that watch MMA thinking THEY can fight, that's a different story. I have no idea what those guys are thinking, but Donald is right that a Tapout shirt is a pretty good indicator. I know a couple guys that fight and you would never know it by talking to them. Unless you looked at their ears.

Some are some aren't.

Some mean well while others are just here to troll.

One guy here had a bad experience with a McDojo and with that in mind has a bad taste for traditional martial arts. His experience clouds his ability to understand how traditional training techniques can be very useful, and how MMA has a bunch of limitations just like any martial art.

But getting back to your question, MMA has become very popular and when that happens you get rapid growth and a decline in quality. You get lots of fanboys and lots of silliness.

Those of us who love all martial arts work hard to try and point out the good and the bad, and answer questions as unbiased as possible.

Yes, but people who follow lots of sports are wannabes.

Not to pick on (American) football fans, but you see so many walking around in team jerseys with favorite player names and numbers on them. Really? Or you listen to them on Monday morning: "What was coach xx thinking on that play?" It's likely that the coach had a far better insight on the performance, skills, and health of particular players that you did.

As for MMA, 9 times out of 10 you can spot an MMA wannabe if he's wearing a TapOut shirt. A few actual fighters sometimes do, but most wouldn't be caught dead wearing a TapOut shirt.

Hope that helps.

I suspect that very few active professional MMA fighters spend a lot of time on the Yahoo Answers site....

They're too busy either training for the next fight or recuperating from the last one....

Well, since this is a pretty closed community, why don't you list the guys you think give non-technical, BS answers who "obviously" don't know anything about martial arts?

I don't think "most" of the people on this forum are MMA fighters. Most MMA fighters don't have time to spend answering questions on yahoo answers because they are busy training for their next fight.

Everybody wants to seem like a badass...many ppl on here are for real but ive noticed this to. You can usually tell though. There will always be fakes thats just the way it is.

They obviously are clueless about martial arts.

Could it be all about ego?