> Why are mma fighters dying from weight cutting?

Why are mma fighters dying from weight cutting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Is it not drinking fluids?

There's only been once incidence of this that I know of:


Cutting weight does bad things to your body. You can, in particular, put your kidneys at extreme risk. You may also overheat and suffer hyperthermia (not hypothermia). Because you're dehydrating, your blood thickens, which can lead to high blood pressure and more stress on the circulatory system.

Death via weight cutting is most often seen in high school wrestling. In the US, there have been measures put into place to prevent high school wrestlers from extreme weight cutting practices.

Weight cutting is a science. There are right and wrong things to do.

I'd like to reiterate, "MMA fighters" aren't dying. A single fighter did. It's a tragedy, yes, but not a trend.

Edit: Liondancer, cutting weight is not an eating disorder. It's a temporary thing. It has more to do with dehydration than anything. You can't train and compete if you don't have the energy (calories) to do so. You can, however, lose a relatively safe amount of weight just through sweating. Water can easily be lost and replaced. I've personally done 5-10lbs in an hour or so, and rehydrated back up for competition the next day. Pros and bigger guys can cut even more weight. It's not fun, and no doctor in the world is going to say it's GOOD for you, but it can be done safely. And unlike anorexia and bulimia (which, by the way, are also "guys" disorders), weight cutting is not a disorder based on poor self-image. It's a tactic used to enhance athletic performance. This is what weight cutting is actually like:



And here's info on eating disorders:



Your body has a range in which its systems can operate and make adjustments and one of them involves electrolytes which are the fluids in your body, A severe imbalance of electrolytes can cause body organs like kidneys and your liver to shut down and your body to go into shock like what happened last year to a young serviceman at Basic after doing PT and actually drinking too much water to quickly.

Sometimes fighters try to loose a lot of weight quickly and just before weigh in which of course can cause a lot of stress and strain on your body and its electrolyte system. That is one of the reasons why its more generally recommended that they lose the weight over time and more gradually is so that their body, and its organs and their electrolyte system can adjust more gradually and not cause those organs to go into shock and shutting down.

what makes you think cutting weight is even healthy.

if you lose weight to quickly it causes a rather unhealthy condition in your body. but you kids think its no be deal to drop so much weight. you have little understanding of the health risks involved.


i think callsign is correct i can only find one death on this subject.

Kokoro is right. I think it is the guy's version of bulimia and anorexia.

Is it not drinking fluids?