> Why are martial artist known as nerds?

Why are martial artist known as nerds?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I heard a lot of girls in my school say its for for nerds and pretenders and sports is better is this true?

You know it's not true.

What makes these girls experts in martial arts? They probably just repeat what they heard because they don't actually think on their own. I'd rather be labeled a nerd than a space cadet. You don't need to listen to ignorant girls now, do you?

I've been called nerd before but not because of martial art.Well all I can say is just don't feed into their ignorant concept. One day if they're in trouble I would be that so called pretender or nerd that goes into one corner as though nothing had happened. Well some martial arts become sport-centered but they're not better or worst than your other ordinary sports like basketball, soccer, etc etc.

A lot of martial arts ARE sports, so that's pretty weird to say.

But frankly...some martial artists ARE nerds. There's a healthy subset of martial artists who ARE nerds and pretenders. Who practice their choreographed fight sequences like a dance while never learning anything of substance or really testing themselves.

Why would you be bragging about your martial arts prowess with anyone, let alone a group of highschool girls. Those who truly know martial arts have no need to brag nor would they ever want to give away the element of surprise should they really need to use it in a fight. Catching your opponent unaware, unprepared and over confident is preferred than them being over prepared and expecting more than what your ability is able to perform. -- So telling a bunch of high school girls that you're a great martial artist is indeed foolish and just childish. It could lead to painting a target on your back for someone to challenge you.

Some of them earn the title, especially the ones that try to put other martial art styles down as 'just sports'.

Some martial arts have been hit badly by adopting a sporting aspect and then focusing completely on it, others have been preserved and even enhanced because they adopted a sporting aspect that kept their training properly tough and athletic, just like any respectable full contact sport athlete you don't want to mess with a full-contact martial artist because you know that getting hit is normal to them.

"sports is better", better in what respect?

What makes the girls in your school such experts? Have any of them ever studied martial arts? And they call others pretenders and nerds over a subject they know nothing about, so who are the pretenders?

I've never been called a nerd, also some martial arts are considered sports but that topic is still debated.

There's no difference between modern martial arts and sports these days.

Martial arts may be a more mentally challenging sport that people who lack athletic abilities may find more useful.

Those girls sounds completely ignorant. Ask them to watch some mma.

The manipulative women want to destroy those kind.

I heard a lot of girls in my school say its for for nerds and pretenders and sports is better is this true?