> Why are fighters looked down on when they do steroids?

Why are fighters looked down on when they do steroids?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Because it's cheating. Steroids can make you go further than your body would normally allow. It's basically like you and me entering a race and the night before the race you put in a turbo in your car without me knowing. How is that fair?

There are also a lot of health risks and one has to ask themselves is it worth it? Might be worth it if you actually succeed and get to the top but what if you don't? Besides in sports like boxing, MMA and so on steroids are not really that helpful. If you're a runner then yes but if you're a martial artist where it's more about skill, tactic and training then pure strength it's really not necessary to take steroids.


The "logic" that guy presents in that video you posted is f****d up. How can it not matter how someone got rich? That guy is basically saying that the end justifies the means. It doesn't matter how he got rich because in that particular case it didn't affect him. But what if that guy got rich killing people or dealing drugs to kids and one of the people affected was close to you? I bet it wouldn't be ok then, right? Then you would want justice?

I mean come on, that is just incredibly short sighted and you juice heads seem to only care about one thing. Getting bigger. All of you need to grow up and get a dose of reality.

Because they can't fight on their own. They are cheats. There are rules, and they deliberately break the rules.

If a wrestler punched his opponent you wouldn't be surprised he got DQ'ed, would you? Then why be surprised when a fighter used illegal drugs? Fighting matches are about about the fighter, not what equipment the fighter brings to the ring.

If there were bouts where steroids were allowed (despite the legal issues), that would be different. But in most competitions, steroids are illegal. And if you get caught using them, you're DQ'ed.

Them's the rules. If you don't like the rules, start a new game that does away with those rules.

Yes, performance-enhancing steroids can give you bigger biceps, triceps, and pecs. But in using them, you also get a whole lot more than you bargained for.

1. They cause serious health problems. Continual steroid use can cause liver tumors, heart disease, and a weaken immune system leading to internal bleeding, heart attacks, strokes, and viral infections.

2. They cause hormone imbalance, especially in teens who already have enough hormone imbalance going on to last a lifetime. Anabolic steroids will simply confuse the issue. Boys can end up with shrunken testicles, reduced sperm count, and breasts. Girls can become more masculine, with deeper voices, reduced breasts, and excessive body hair, including beards. Plus, steroids can stunt the growth spurt, resulting in staying short for life.

Let’s face it, getting through High School is difficult enough without having gender mix-up issues as well.

3. They are addictive. Steroid use can result in having to maintain an expensive drug habit. And withdrawal will hurt as users have to deal with mood swings, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, restlessness, and steroid cravings. Many will also suffer depression (often for years following withdrawal) to such a degree that they might even decide that suicide is the only option.

4. They mess with your head. Initially, steriods can cause irritability and depression. Continual use can result in delusions and mania. And in the end, they can turn an otherwise meek and mild mannered person into a raging homicidal maniac, otherwise known as ‘roid rage’.

5. They are illegal. This doesn’t seem to bother users much. But here’s the facts. Anabolic steroids are classified as a controlled substance and as such, are only legally allowed to be sold by a pharmacist via a doctor’s prescription. If you obtain steroids any other way, you risk a jail sentence of up to five years.

And if all that doesn’t discourage you, then how about this…

You’ll get CAUGHT (witness Marion Jones, the Baseball League, etc) or DIE (Chris Benoit, Rob Garibaldi)

It provides unnatural advantage in the cost of health. Most athletes would rather keep their health than receive such unnatural advantage. If steroids were allowed then the athletes who would like to remain healthy would lose their place in the sport and pressured to change their body against their will or retire. The sport will be full of ticking time bombs that might have health issues at any given season. Athletics in general has been seeked as a source of health and vitality through out history and these sickly athletes would be counter intuitive to that end, and so people do not want this to become a popular thing.

I, as someone who pays taxes and for insurance refuse to pay even higher fees to cover for the irresponsibility of others. How do you think steroids will affect you down the road? Who do you think pays for it when you need extra medical care?

All that just so you can boost your ego? Pretty selfish wouldn't you say so?


Bc it's taking the easy way out. It's cheating and in short, it's pathetic.

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson takes testosterone due to low testosterone levels. It is legal because a doctor said he has naturally low testosterone. If he has naturally low testosterone levels, then why is he an athlete?

LOL @ this question

It can harm you.

a fighters goal is to be the best

if steroids can help me do that I would take them

I wouldn't fight to prove how much I can achieve with work I would do it to be the strongest

I would not care how I became the strongest as long as I became the strongest