> Who won this fight danny or oyan?

Who won this fight danny or oyan?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Neither did. Danny has a short fuse which does not make him exactly a winner. When he is at his job and someone takes his arm is he going to hit that person too? It will get him fired and maybe even get him slapped with assault charges, so no, I don't think he is a winner by a long shot.

Tobias did; he stopped two people from seriously hurting each other, like any good bloke would do.

Now he understands it danny its archinasian.

I can help you, give me 20 min and I'll be back.

So oyan grab danny by the arm. Danny gets mad and hits oyan and push him against the wall. He continues to hit oyan until oyan pushes him causing both of them to fall. Oyan then grabs Danny shoe to maintain balance but rips it. While they were falling oyan hits him. But suddenly danny grabs oyan in a head lock and subdue him. until Tobias broke up the fight by dragging Danny away from oyan. Which allowed oyan to be able to stand up and walk away.