> Who can stop Ronda Rousey?

Who can stop Ronda Rousey?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Sara can stop her. She didn't tonight, but I believe she can. Cat can stop her, ut we will have to wait and see.

But win or lose I like Ronda.

McMann can; lets face it, their brief fight was not entirely one sided and Rousey landed a good knee and the referee stepped in before she had fully stood back up after dropping to one knee because of it. If you look at video of the fight you will see McMann is recovering and coming back up when Dean steps in, stopping it. Given McMann's brief involvement in MMA and lack of experience that probably won't happen next time and she has the tools to beat Rousey and we will have to see if does as there are no guarantees to that.

Besides her I am not sure if you have seen the latest story regarding Santos who says she is dropping down to Rousey's weight class and wants to retire her. Santos has the skills and also the experience to beat her but I wonder if the timing of all that will be a problem. If Rousey goes off to Hollywood then she won't be fighting anytime soon or even in 2015 probably so we will just have to wait and see how this all plays out.

It could be pretty interesting because Dana White has already expressed a frustration about title holders defending their titles. Rousey going off to Hollywood for a year or two would be in her favor as Santos would be a year or two older. At the same time the amount of money that match-up would generate would be huge and so there will be a lot of pressure made for it to happen. Movie contracts and such don't let athletes off mid contract to go train and fight usually because of the additional costs of holding up production and the possibility of that person becoming injured and further holding up things. So we all will have to see how this plays out but there are indeed at least two women fighters that can beat Rousey right now that want to fight her. One who has not fought her yet and another that I think wants a re-match as long as its not Herb Dean refereeing.

Cat Zigano, or Cyborg.

Are you a girl fighter? Is so then that is hot

She's pretty much the reason I got into MMA recently. And I wanted her to win this fight with Sarah, but not like this. I hate short fights. Anyway, eventually, someone's gotta beat her. Who do you think will do it?