> Which martial arts should I learn?

Which martial arts should I learn?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The information you've written is completely useless for being able to suggest anything to you. But it doesn't matter. Find a school in your area that you like and that has good instructors. Whatever style they teach, learn that one.

Aikido. It trains you in taking people down without hurting them too badly and trains you in multiple attacker scenarios. Martial arts have boosted peoples self-confidence for years and years. If you have the time and money, try doing Muay Thai along with Aikido.

Basically it should be tae kwon do or singles like jiu jitsu because the thing is my masters favorite student says vaporizer all the time and they want me to be a black belt and do crystal meth when anything If am to start drugs again after seven years clean do you know it was cocaine and they dont want me to learn even how to take the bus and there favorite thing is to call me a ****** a%% person because I want be with a women they all had intercourse with and they know dirt and crystal meth is the only things you should have in food and drinks.

No such thing exists. You want to fight like in the movies. Find a place near you, find a good instructor and then you can see how it looks like in real life.

Mixed martial arts, because it involves everything, kicking, punching, grappling, chocking.. bla bla. You can learn chinese martial art like Bruce lee and Jacki chan but it take WAY TOO LONG+ you have to be a quick and flexible person. Taekondo, boxing, jujitsu only involves one thing each so it would help that much in a street fight or UFC. + MMA its really quick to learn, and if you want to start now, start stretching at least 30 mins per day. and get a proper instructor to teach you. Good luck.


I want to be able to defend myself in case I'm attacked by a group.

I want to gain a high self belief and be really confident (I suffer a bit with the nerves)

I want to be the best I can be and believe I can

I'm a good tryer I never give up and ill give it my all i also don't mind taking instructions