> Which martial art should I take for self defence?

Which martial art should I take for self defence?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Anyone who tells you that one style is superior to another is kidding themselves. Georgie is correct in what she says.

As for the person recommending Krav maga firstly it is little more than a watered down self defense system as the only true core teaching are left to military personel because it has little street practicality. therefore the style is modified to suit. Also it is NOT a martial art, it is a self defense system.

As for the person mentioning Judo well that is ridiculous. Why Judo is a wonderful style it has just as many holes in its game as it does offences. and the same can be said for any style.

I do not know the places you have selected so i cannot pass judgement but if i was you i would look to avoid any place that focuses mainly on sporting aspect because sporting realm and real life situation a greatly differing in technique.

Read articles about http://mcdojo-faq.tripod.com/

learnt he information and then go and study the places you are thinking about, ask questions speak to people. look at the quality of their top students. Ask other academies about places you have visited. If they tell you that all the other ones are terrible and to study only theirs then avoid them. If they give you a reasonable assesment then they are worth taking notice of.

Good luck i hope this helps

Any age is a good age to start Martial Arts. The best reason is that it gets you on your feet, and excercising. But lets face it, as a former martial artist myself, in order to get "street efficient" at a martial art can sometime take a number of years.

At 30 years of age, my advice to you: Go to a gun range. Learn to handle various hand guns. If you feel that being a gun owner is for you, buy one or more, and start the process for a concealed carry permit. Purchase a fixed blade or good folding knife (I would acutally recommend learning to carry 2 or possibly more) and learn how to access them quickly. You don't need to become an expert knife fighter. If you know how to eat a steak or have ever carved a turkey, you know the basics of using a knife. Now you just have to mentally prepare to possibly stick a piece of steel into another human being's flesh. And get into the best physical shape you possibly can. If you look like a hard target, troublemakers will move to the easier mark. If you must learn a fighting method, go with something that is heavy on sparring. Going full speed against a resisting partner forces you to get better, faster. Read all you can about violent human behavior, and how to avoid crime and being a victim of crime. Remember that prevention and avoidance are the most successful strategies--there are people out there that you aren't going to beat in a fight. The most experienced criminals, the worst of the worst, are probably going to be better at what they do than the average part time martial artist or CCW permit holder. And no matter what you do, always look to upgrade your knowledge whenever possible.

These schooled all teach fighting, none of them teach Self Defence.

Teachign fighting for SD is like teaching your children to do a stuntman roll if they get hit by a car crossing the road. You don't do that, instead you teach them to avoid getting hit by the car in the first place.

The same goes for SD, it is about avoidance, 99% of SD is about avoiding, or dealing with situations in different ways, before they ever get to the violence stage. Only 1% of SD is about physical technique which you use only as a last resort when everything else has gone wrong and it is your only option.

I suggest you read Dead or Alive The Definitive Self protection handbook, or if you are in the US, The Little Black Book of violence, by Kris Wilder & Lawrence Kane. Both will teach you the 99% that none of these website will teach. Once yo know that, all you will need for most situations is a good strong pre-emptive strike.

I find it odd that several people are coming here asking about the same schools and which one to join. It sounds like a lot of trolling going on.



I believe there was at least one more, but I didn't respond to it.

We've seen several questions regarding Cemp jutsu karate, and wingchunuk

But Ill play along

Shrinkemdoself defense is a made up style. It started according to the website is the 80's. I would avoid that place. The founder is a 6th Dan. But there is no record of how he obtained this rank. Sounds like he promoted himself to that rank. Also there is just too much bowing on the etiquette page. They made mention of fudo dachi being attention stance. This is not correct which leaves me to believe the instructor is not qualified to create his own style.

Kokoro kai is a sports ju-jitsu clum that claim to teach self defense. Again I'd avoid ubnless there was nowhere else to train.

Wingchunuk I noticed the website have changed in less that a week. The other siet looked better, but you can't really judge a school by it's website unless there are some obvious f;lws on their webpages. First off I would avoid any school that uses Brice Lee's name to gain new students(suckers. My personal preference is to avoid wing chun That is not to say that there aren't good wing chun school or good wing chun instructors. It is just not my personal preference. Changing the website like they have done appears to me that they are hiding something or it is not a real place.

Cemp jutsukarate is another made up style. I'd avoid any made up style. The founder and head instructor has videos on the site. His technique is less than desirable IMHO. I can tell he has some training, but it appears he lacks good sound self defense. He consistently drops his hands. He demonstrates things done in sports fighting instead of self defense, but he masks this with some take downs not used in sports fighting. This will impress those that are not highly trained, but has no appeal to me. He never put himself in his effective fighting range. He remains in his attacker.opponent/partner effective fighting range. Likely another self promoted 6th Dan.

If experienced martial artists would agree that one martial art, is more efficient than the others, then everyone would be doing the same.

So if you think about it, there is no such thing. You can choose what you like and what do you think is more appropriate for you, in terms of schools, teachers, training partners, ways of training, behaviors, distance, price and whatever else that you please.

I'd say pick Wing Chun, this is because I have experience with Wing chun for 2 years and I find it very useful in real life situations. Im not saying its better than other martial arts but I believe that its the best martial art which utilises the human body so any sized and strength person can beat their opponent.

For defence you really can't beat Judo........

It may not be pretty, or cool, or enable you knock someone out.......

But I guarantee it will be the most effective for anyone that's gets to a moderately good standard......because most don't get any further than that.......

Edit......what are the thumbs down for....? It is true what I say......

Suppose it just isn't cool enough for these people...!


Hi, I am 30 years if age and am looking to start a martial art for self defence purposes. I just want to know what you experienced martial artists would consider to be the most effective out of the following that are local to me. I have tried a class at each of them but am still can't decide so my only option is to get advice from people who are experienced. Ok, so the martial arts clubs I have narrowed down are as follows : -





Thank you very much in advance for your recommendations & advice.
