> Which martial art is the best to learn?

Which martial art is the best to learn?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm talking about which martial art or arts should I learn if I want to be able to be able to protect myself? In other words what is the best martial art or arts for self defense?

The common mistake is to equate physical techniques with self defence, and yet physical technique are only what happens as a very last resort once a whole host of things have gone wrong and opportunities to avoid/escape/de-escalate have been missed.

Physical techniques are 1% of self defence, 95% is Threat and Awareness Evaluation & Target Hardening, and 4% is Verbal & Physical De-escalation.

Learning martial arts for Self Defence, and ignoring the other 99%, (which will prevent most situations before they get physical) is like ignoring the safety tips for crossing the street so you avoid getting hit by a car, and instead just stepping out into he road without looking whenever you want to and just learning how to do a stuntman role over the bonnet of a car if you ever get run over.

The Suzy Lamplaugh Trust teach self defence, yet don't have a single physical technique, check out their website.

Also, their is no "best" martial art, otherwise we would all be doing it, their is only the martial art which is "best" for you, based on your abilities.

Uechi Ryu is the best martial art.

Oh wait that's "Uechi Ryu is the best martial art FOR ME".

For you I don't have a clue. You need to look around, visit some dojos and talk to people. Find a good school with folks working hard.

Determine if you want mostly sport, or more serious. In my case, I didn't care about sport, but wanted an art that was highly effective. Ironically Uechi folks usually do well in tournaments too (although we seldom do them).

Also look at gyms, rec centers and for folks teaching out of their homes as you'll find more choices than simply at schools in commercial spaces.

The one you enjoy the most. However you need to look at the type you prefer. Sport v traditional. Grappling v striking. Hard v soft. Also look at what's in your area.

Eg if you like active sporty arts you may not like aikido or taichi. Both are soft traditional with no sport. However if you like traditional they may suit you more than boxe Francois.

Of course you can always decide to complement your preferences. As a sports lover you might like to do something less intense ie aikido

That often varies school to school. I would chose a standing martial art, such as Karate or Taekwondo, as Judo and Jiu-Jitsu have a tendency to work best in one on one fights. I would recommend a martial art like Krav Maga or Muay Thai, but it would be harder to find somewhere to learn that. Your best bet would likely be asking Karate and Taekwondo schools what they focus on and finding one that focuses on sparring and real life situations. Forms are fun, but not great for defending yourself.

I think wing chun is a good choice. Wing chun is chinese martial arts, bruce lee, a famous person, also yip man. There are also martial arts supplies offering wing chun clothing and accessories, you can visit: http://www.kungfusmart.com/wing-chun-clo...

The one taught by the best teacher. A style does not tell you anything. A style is a name - a label. It is the content which you should be concern with and the source of the content is one who will be teaching you.

Oh jee, never seen this question before....Can't wait to read all the unexpected answers.


my favorite is judo and muay thai



I'm talking about which martial art or arts should I learn if I want to be able to be able to protect myself? In other words what is the best martial art or arts for self defense?