I have a concern regarding your question. You said "...it's more like a hobby...". If that is you perception and approach to ANY martial system you will only learn enough to get yourself hurt if you try and use it. Being a Martial Artist is not a "hobby", it is a way of approaching life itself.
That being said, Pugpaws' comment hits on the primary concerns for any new student. So once you have figured out whether or not you are serious about your desire to train, approach it the way "Pug" has advised, beyond that I have nothing to add.
Read pugpaws2's answer, okay. I don't feel like typing out the mantra right now.
I wish I got paid questions like this, even 50 cents per question and I'd be rich.
Read pugpaws2's answer, then read it again and again until it sinks in.
Then reread it a few more times as it's right on the money.
well habeeb, do you like bruce lee? give his 'style' a shot. im sure a lot of karate, tae kwan do, basic techniques are good to learn though. get a good sparring buddy. let him kick your *** a few times. just do the basic stuff dude. work on footwork and all that. turn everything into fighting. how you stand and everyting.
Shaeeck I only get 50 cents a question how can I pay you a dollar I'll be losing money
OMG this question again lol
Kokoro where is my dollar?
Just buy me a holiday home in the U.S and start paying it off for me.
Pay attention to what Pugpaws told you, its sound advice.
i am trying to learn some sort of fighting. i am not really aiming to be a pro or going to go look for fights and beat people up. its more like a hobby . or something that is good to know in case of some self defense or if i do get into a fight for some reason against 5 vs 1 or w/e. but there are so many choices out there, that i cant really pick. people say that go with which you like, but, i dont have much idea which is going to be a lot of fun or give me the most benefit and skills. i mean there are. MMA, Muay Thai, JuiJutsu, Boxing, Kung Fu, Karate and so many more other styles. which one should i choose and why?
thanks in advance.