> Where do top skilled fighters learn? 10 points best answer?

Where do top skilled fighters learn? 10 points best answer?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Skilled individuals test their skills against equal or better partners. In the modern 21st century, that's done online or via social groups or dojos, yes. But in the past, it involved journeying to strange places like Taiwan or Okinawa, and learning by doing, there. Challenging potential foes, yes, but also learning from their alien ways.

Movies are not real. Name one "top fighter" who trained in the mountains of China or is a CIA agent.

Top fighters are made by top trainers and top trainers work in gyms.

Gyms and Dojos, from a quality instructor, who trains for reality, who trains in well roundedness, and who trains hard all the time.

Anything less in unacceptable. In the words of MC Hammer "Either work hard or you might as well quit".

It can be in the mountains of China and Japan, a Dojo, or a Gym, or even under the instruction of a private teacher. It's not so much as a matter of where they train, but WHO they train under.

If you learn from a instructor who was the product of a mcdojo and doesn't know jack sh-t, than you the student, won't learn jack sh-t.

If you learn from an instructor who is hard, demanding, and teaches you the right way, and drills your technique into your head, you will know much.

Simple as that. Not where, but WHO.

Top skilled unarmed fighters are learning is major gyms.

The movie depiction of master teaching a student in the mountains becoming a great fighter is so popular depiction because it's so unlikely. Such a great master will be sought out and he will likely have a big place to teach in. Learning in a small group without outside influence is limiting in training. and much more.

SEALs and such special forces would have a good weapons training program and probably has great firearms martial artists, but their empty hand program wouldn't be that much better than what we have access to since it's very unlikely that they will have to fall back to it. The rifle would have to fail, then the pistol, then the knife, before martial arts becomes the main tactic.

You're thinking of fiction my friend. That's Hollywood. There are no secret deadly techniques hidden within the Shaolin compounds deep in the mountain. There's no secret deadly weapon held by the CIA. Even most martial artists don't hold the secrets, though many claim they do.

The only ones that truly learn how to fight are MMA fighters. Everyone else plays pretend, with their kata's and board breaking. MMA fighters are putting their work in the gym. They spar full contact, and they're drilling with live, resisting partners. Those are the two key's to learning how to fight. If you don't believe me, watch the fighters in the UFC. Do you think anyone alive can beat those guys? No. They're the best kind of fighters because fighting is all they do, and they train all areas of combat (stand up, clinch and ground). Most styles and systems only address one or two of these areas, leaving them one dimensional fighters.

Stand up comes first then crouching techniques .

At universities

Where would you say professional fighters learn? Would they be those asian guys that practice in the mountains in china? or would it be more like a highly trained cia agent? please no rude feedback just curious. thanks