> Where can i learn ninja martial arts?

Where can i learn ninja martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You don't. You don't learn to "be a ninja".

Those days are long gone. One no longer learns assassination, espionage, escape and evasion, survival, and few ninjutsu schools teach any of the 18 skills.

Also thanks to the "ninja movie boom", ninja became more myth than fact, another marketing tool, and this rubbed off on the bujinkan and a very, very, large majority of ninjutsu is a fraud, taught by fraud teachers.


Please, please, please, I beg of you, do your research to the letter! I know most schools in England, are less than respectable. You would be better off learning ballet than bad ninjutsu.

Hope that helped.


For the most part the answer is going to be 'don't waste your time' Ninjitsu these days is overrun by scam organizations and white morons claiming to have been trained in secret in the mountains of Fuji and Chiba. There is a mob called the AKBAN who try to recreate ninjitsu using a very Jurassic Park method of filling the knowledge gaps with other martial arts and inviting instructors of those styles to teach in seminars but historically ninjitsu is dead.

I agree. There is but one authorizing organization, the Bujinkan run by Masaaki Hatsumi out of Noda City, Japan.

Any school purporting to teach "ninjutsu" that does not have a certificate from the Bujinkan is not authentic.

Further.... The Bujinkan itself recently advised that the traditional arts of the ninja (actually, "shinobi") would no longer be taught because they are "historical curiosities" of no use in the modern world.

From now on, only the fighting art, taijutsu, would be taught.

You can likely find Hatsumi's book on line, and also the books by Stephen Hayes, who was the only authorized Western instructor to come out of the Bujinkan.

You can read the excellent history of the ninja by Stephen Turnbull.

You'll find that the ninja of history were quite different from what we have now as "ninjutsu", which is mostly based on legend and myth.

Short answer: You can't.


Ive always wanted to be a ninja since i was a young boy i know it sounds silly but where can i learn proper ninja fighting and weapons training i live in the uk in England i know i cant go running on rooftops and assassinating people but id like to have the skills of a ninja please tell me a good place preferably in the east midlands any answers are much appreciated thanks.