> Where can I learn basic ninjutsu..?

Where can I learn basic ninjutsu..?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Learn from an instructer, the martial art doesn't matter only the instructer and the practitioner do. You can always call and ask if you can learn at the ninjutsu place even though you're 15, they might let you in. Alot of the ninjutsu we see today is fraudulant, not all but most so tred lightly

You can't just learn ninjutsu online.You'll need a qualified instructor to teach and guide you through some of the basics.If you have no experience and want to be somewhat competent learn back your karate/taekwondo basics (but this usually will only help you during the later stage).Ninjutsu have their own set of basic/white belt training.

Any bujinkan dojo under a respected and qualified teacher.

BEWARE! The bujinkan has developed a huge fraud base stemming from Hollywood, Ninja Hype, and Greed. It has ruined the reputation of the bujinkan a-lot.

Also, depending on where you live, you can look at the AKBAN which is bujinkan affiliated.



Though I don't recommend people without any martial arts or little of it to try to learn off videos, we have this:


Over a thousand videos of differing technique, basic to the very advanced. Please be careful as some of these techniques can tear ligament, break bones, cause internal bleeding, and even kill.

trust me the only real ninjutsu teacher you're going to find is probably some 100 year old guy from the countryside of japan and anything else especially in the US is bullshit and a waste of time try kickboxing/muay thai its gets you in shape and teaches you techniques that work in real life if needed

Ive seen some youtube videos of that stuff filmed at a dojo. You could look up that on youtube.


I'm an almost 15 year old girl, and I've taken an interest in learning a martial art. My guidance teacher at school also suggested that it would be a good idea, because she thinks I have anger issues and that it's a good place to focus that kind of energy. I took a few karate/taikwando lessons when I was a kid, but neither really interested me, and the only karate instructor in my area could barely fight himself.. One that has really caught my attention though, is ninjutsu. I've spent a lot of my time researching it. However I still fail to find a place that tells me how to do any basic technique. It's all mostly the philosophies and praising the Ninjutsu Grandmaster Suke Hatsumi. The nearest bujinkan dojo to me, will not teach ninjutsu to those under 16, like seemingly all of them I've seen. I want to at least be somewhat competent in some beginner techniques for taking the class in just over a year's time. So if someone could point me to a website or something that has at least a few good starting techniques, I'd be incredibly grateful.