> Where can I find a Tai Chi Master near me?

Where can I find a Tai Chi Master near me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Depending on which style of Tai Chi you want to study.

If you are interested in Chen Style then you can't go wrong if you go to http://www.chenbing.org/ in LA. Chen Bing is a direct 20th Generation Lineage Holder from Chen Village in China, the officially recognized origin of Tai Chi CHuan. He is also one of the most prominent masters of his Generation.

Tai Chi bores me to tears. It's cool that you like it though. Like other people have said, it's a simple search on most search engines. You just type your location and the word "tai chi" and you will get a number of schools in your area if there are any. Tai Chi is becoming more popular each day, so you are likely to find a school near you if you live in or near a town with at least 50,000 people.

I hope this helps-

Many people say they teach Tai Chi, but are lacking the knowledge of core Tai Chi principles. In order to grasp the full benefits of Tai Chi, whether for health or self-defense, the highest level principles must be learned and fully absorbed.

At the Los Angeles Chen Tai Chi Center, these traditional and crucial principles are not only given, but taught in a practical way to help practitioners shorten the training time needed to attain results. This modernizes the training, allowing students to obtain the best of the old and new.

CHEN BING TAIJI ACADEMY 1144 S Western Ave #201

Los Angeles CA 90006



Most importantly is the Tai Chi principles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in southern California, not far from L.A. and there are several schools of Chinese martial arts, and Taijiquan in paritcular, near you. If you are serious, look up Howard Wong, Carl Totten, Master Quan, and Sifu Kisu (just to name a few) - all big names in the circle of Chinese martial arts and based out of our area.

great, i also like Tai Chi, which is China GongFu. GoogFu is good for our body, but i just know a little.

Chen Zhonghua online in Practical Method. Internet is everywhere these days.

Have you not heard of Google?


Its good for the mind body and soul.

I love the martial arts Tai Chi. It's so smooth, relaxing, and I feel that it's giving me the energy needed to make it through the day. Plus, I'm someone that doesn't like to use violence very much and I feel that Tai Chi is the kind of martial art I can use to redirect or dodge my opponents. However, I'm only learning from DVDs and books and I don't feel like I'm getting the best out of it. I live in small space, so I don't know if I'm doing the movements correctly. I would love to find a Tai Chi master near me, but there isn't many and I don't know where to find them. I live in Los Angeles, California. Does anyone know any Tai Chi masters? Or a place where I can locate one?