> What would you do for this martial arts test?

What would you do for this martial arts test?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
5 miles in under 15 minutes. Are you sure? Well you should do it because CNWDI (Chuck Norris Would do It).

Good one. Looks like you caught Liondancer off guard.

The 5 miles in 15 min got my RADAR up! Even 5 miles at a 15 min pace is rough unless you run A LOT. Add the rank for Krav Maga and this smell of troll bait BIG TIME.

100 push ups isn't an insane number nor are the crunches but they are a lot. But I agree with Liondancer in that any martial art that's testing on running, and other forms of physical fitness isn't one I'd have much respect for for the reason's stated. I'm not to fond of classes that incorporate those things, but that's my own bias.

With all of that said, nice troll job

Since when does Krav Maga have belt ranks? That smacks of commercialism and a blatant attempt to extract as much money from students as possible. And, to keep them coming to class for as long as they can. Krav Maga is a self-defense system not a martial art. Itr is designed to be learned in a short time. It was originally designed for the Israeli Military. Military training simply does not have a long time to teach the soldiers. Any place that has belts and runs the classes as if you should or must stay around for a long time earning belts is not a place I'd recommend to anyone that is looking to really learn Krav Maga.

And what is up with having to do all that physical endurance? Krav Maga is something that if you can use effectively, you will not be fighting long enough for endurance to matter at all. If you should get into any fight where endurance is necessary then you either are not using it correctly, OR your instructor has been teaching crap.


Sounds like a fitness test for the Army. Don't need Krav Maga for that.

krav maga does not have a ranking system or testing, besides the fact no one on the world could run 5 miles in 15 minutes. considering there is only a hand full of people that could actually break the 4 minute mark.

I'd pick another school altogether. One that tests my Krav skills and not health and fitness skills. Do they only teach the young and the strong? If so I seriously have to question their skills as good techniques should not require strength and lots of stamina. If you can teach someone who is not strong and they can make it work, that's a good teacher. It's no skill to teach someone who is already stronger than average to hit even harder.

I doubt that anybody in history has run 5 miles in under 15 minutes.

Lol nice try xD

I'm fairly new to Krav Maga and we have a test coming up (3 days). I was offered a spot to test with the yellow belts. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready yet. It's a 5 hour test by the way! First part is the physical which includes running 5 miles under 15 mins, 100 nonstop push ups, 100 nonstop crunches, etc..

Should I take this upcoming test or wait acouple of months for the same test?

What would you choose?

Thanks for the help! Really appreciate it!