> What should I do about this?

What should I do about this?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
i'd say take the teasing and use it to your advantage, the verbal abuse is jealousy and immaturity, also the fact that the instructer may be either deliberately setting everyone on you because you're tougher than everyone else and sees some potential, therefore that being the reason why the instructor doesn't get on them for hitting you hard or teasing you, or maybe the instructor didn't intend for this to be followed up by constant taunting and this was accidental, and is now unsure whether to stop them and make you seem dependant on her, trying to save you yet another headache, because the young will be the young, or let it seem as though she deliberately did that to make you tougher, hoping you'd respond by kicking everybody's asses. Either way, it seems as though you need to take advantage of the fact that you can kick their asses, and take the bully thing as a compliment as well as fuel.

You need to talk to your teacher and let him know that you do not appreciate being made fun of and singled out. I know it can be frustrating but being silent means that it does not bother you. Your teacher is probably not aware of how you feel about this. I somewhat suspect that you did really well in sparring and you probably surprised everybody when you fought and that the teasing is more out of the fact that your teacher is really proud of you rather than tries to put you down.

Sounds like they are trying to have a joke with you and have a bit of fun but you have no control of your emotions and need to work on your confidence and own it. At the moment you have control of nothing and are timid enough to be stood over by people. You need to get a thicker skin.

I am not having a go at you just letting you know there are many steps in life and taking control and owning confidence is one skill that you should work on.

well for starters I do karate. I'm one of very few girls that show up. But I am also very self- conscious I get stomach aches every time I go to karate because of it. but last Saturday was this black belt test. so when I spared with this girl I apparently went hard I guess. anyways today at karate my karate teacher was calling me a ''bully" or a ''meanie'' I know it was a joke and all but now he is telling everyone and their calling me those names too.(even the other instutors) and its really getting to me. but when I took that test last December all of them hit harder than I did on Saturday. and he never got on them. so now I'm the ''bully'' I guess. and my mom said I can't get out of the contract till May. idk what to do now. btw my best guy friend wants me to come to sparing tomorrow. so what should I do. how do I cope of being miserable and being teased?