> What's the best martial art to earn respect?

What's the best martial art to earn respect?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
There is not best!!!!

Martial arts don't earn people respect.

If they are bullying you they are not your friends!!! I taught my children from an early age to choose their friends carefully. Everyone is not your friend, There are differences between an associate and a friend. He fried does not intentionally hurt or cause harm.

You can begin training in good school this week, but that will not mean you will be able to take on those guys next month. But if you try you will likely be guilty of assault.

You don't use violence to gain respect. You use violence to gain fear. And people that are feared are treated coldly by others and ganged up on at the first weakness they show. You don't want to use violence.

Rather ditch the so called friends and find better people who knows what respect means.

Earning respect isn't all about fighting and what art you have mastered, respect is being the bugger person and saying 'No' to whoever is bullying you.

Go lift

I understand your frustration, but this is how a lot of kids get through school. Annoyances around you are part of life that we all have to deal with.

The best way I can describe to avoid the teasing a little bit is to work on your confident, nothing troubles you attitude. It's kind of like an aura that you give off like you can't be bothered. If you're always in a frustrated, powerless feeling mood, it just seems like you will be a target.

Taking a Martial Arts class will help you with this most likely, as long as you don't abuse what you might learn.

Science is the best to learn respect. Become educated and wealthy. Take care of your body lift weights. You're short so you'll get tHick and look aweSome.

I prefer ... "punch to he throat" technic ... it's where someone is talking **** and you just sock them in the throat to shut them up ... it's really, really effective .. and if you feel it requires more .. the throat punch basically leaves your target defenseless ...

I would throat punch followed by a groin shot ... and then raise you hands and scream "what!! WHAT!!"

But sometiems you don't have to fight ... jsut go APE **** one day and make people think you are bat **** crazy ... that works too

I've been tolerating people's crap for months and I'm finally tired of it, people don't respect me, they hit me, take my stuff, call me names (they're my "friends" but I'm done with them but I need to know before it happens again) I'm 5'3 and skinny and I hate being disrespected. So what's a martial art to earn respect cuz one day I know I'm gonna hit someone and they're gonna fight back and I need to know em on their @$$ so people will respect me cuz I hate school life at the moment.