> What martial arts name means gentle way?

What martial arts name means gentle way?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Judo = Gentle way.

Jujitsu is referred to as the gentle art sometimes. This is for a couple of reasons. First the word ju has several meanings in the Japanese language just like a number of other words. It is the context within which it is used that indicates the intended meaning. Also its a play on humor as the Japanese generally have a fair degree of that in their culture just like western cultures do. One of the meanings in Japanese of the word Ju is soft or gentle and so Ju-jitsu is referred to as the gentle art when it is really anything but that. So it is both a play on words as well as a subtle play at humor.

Ju means gentle loosely so all styles that are Japanese or named that way that include ju and jitsu or do mean gentle way or art or practice.

Judo means gentle way

@riley no jiu jitsu and jujitsu do not mean gentle they use different kanji and mean entirely different things, there are at least 10 kanji for the word ju

Judo - i find that funny because Judo is anything but gentle lol




First Kanji:

readings: JUU, NYUU, yawa.raka, yawa.rakai, yawa, yawa.ra, too

English tags: `tender', `weakness', `gentleness', `softness'

Pinyin: rou2

Korean reading: yu

Second Kanji:

readings: DOU, TOU, michi, sa, ji, do, mitsu

English tags: `road-way', `street', `district', `journey', `course', `moral', `teachings'

Pinyin: dao4

Korean reading: do

Aikido and Karate.