> What martial arts do you do?

What martial arts do you do?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ive asked this before, just looking at all possible ones so im gonna ask the same question. What do u like about ur martial art and whats do u think is not very good about it?

Hapkido and Shorin Ryu Karate.

I study Kuk Sool a Korean Martial Art that is a complete system. It comprises of over 31 styles. It has hand strikes, leg techniques, throwing and grappling, joint-locks, falling techniques, body conditioning, traditional Korean weapons, animal-style techniques, martial arts healing methods, meditation and breathing techniques.

Since it is a complete system i really don't need to supplement with much of anything else. It can be brutal, the conditioning and exercises. The techniques are scientific and conceptual so they can be applied in a number of ways. Primarily taught using the right side, but yo have to understand and know the left side as well. So being shown over 264 techniques and forms right sided, i have to know and use the left side as well so that brings me to over 520 techniques to know for blackbelt level. Which seems complex to know or understand but once you figure out it is conceptual you realize there are only a few core techniques and the rest are based off them.

The physical conditioning my instructor puts us thru is at times difficult. Which challenges you both mentally and physically.

I have been doing a variety of different martial arts for over 14 years now and have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Martial Arts are a part of my life.

In the past I have done:

Tae Kwon Do - 4 yrs 1st Dan

Bujinkan - 6yrs 1st Dan

And I am currently taking the Martial Art of AKBAN - 4 yrs Green Belt = testing for next belt in Feb.


I am completely new to Goju Ryu and it seems like a complete art.

I mainly chose it because of the head instructor of the dojo. He is the second highest ranked in my country and has trained under the best instructors in the world plus he was asked by Morio Higoanna to become assistant instructor.

I have previously done Muay Thai and Kyokushin under some of the best fighters in my country (national and european champions). I found that Kyokushin was way to focused on competition for my liking.

I've studied Uechi Ryu karate for 12 years.

I love it as it's a very "pure" art in both lineage, and application. It's not overly complex, and the style is held in high regard by most who have a deep understanding of martial arts.

I also love that the Uechi community is pretty small so I either know or know of many of the folks who study it in the US.

As a modern army combative instructor, I have had the privilege of seeing and fighting against a plethora of styles and arts. But as a whole I would have to say I most enjoyed learning about wing chun, both traditional And unorthodox. The seamless flow between offense and defense, the fluidity of the striking and parrying is in my opinion the most effective and most energy conserving in all of China's northern and southern styles.

I did boxing for almost 5 years and I did MMA for about 8 months. Now I don't do anything because I got bored at work, quit my job and went to Southeast Asia. Now I'm sipping mojitos, flirting with naive American girls who left the country for the first time and just enjoying life. I did do muay thai in Thailand for a month though. Now those guys are brutal. I've seen 12 year old's who could kick my @ss in a muay thai fight.

Filipino Eskrima

Ive asked this before, just looking at all possible ones so im gonna ask the same question. What do u like about ur martial art and whats do u think is not very good about it?