> What kind of martial arts looks likes kung fu?

What kind of martial arts looks likes kung fu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
What kind of martial arts looks likes kung fu?

Call me Grasshopper, but Kung Fu is the closest martial art that looks like Kung Fu.

Two comments on this...

First, Kung-Fu is a generic term for at least 300 to 400 different Chinese styles of martial arts.

Second, it is difficult to say what non Kung-Fu styles look like Kung-Fu since people vary in what they think resembles Kung-Fu. That is especially true since there are some Kung-Fu styles that look very different from other Kung-Fu styles.

The only other thing I can say is that there are several different Okinawan styles that still have some Kata/forms that came directly from Chinese styles of martial arts. Probably the most well known would be the crane forms/Kata. Not sure how many different Karate styles do Crane Kata, but I do know that some if not all styles of Shorin-ryu have Crane Kata.


There are literally hundreds of Chinese martial arts ("kung fu"). They don't even look like one another. Shuai Jiao resembles Judo and Sambo, White Crane has some similarities to Goju-Ryu and Uechi-Ryu karate systems, Wing Chun has some similarities to pre-Queensburry boxing, Sanda looks a lot like kickboxing and Muay Thai, the skills of Chin Na can be found in systems like Aikido, Hapkido, and classic Jujitsu, and many Kuntao and Kenpo systems have their roots in Chinese systems. So really... pick one. Or a dozen.


What kind of martial arts looks likes kung fu?