> What kind of injuries you got in the martial arts?

What kind of injuries you got in the martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
most common in gracie jiu jitsu believe it or not is a broken or dislocated little toe. This is just because of the twisting and positioning on the mats, it happens a lot. at one stage my toe had become so sore i couldn't walk and i was still training, the doctor sent me for xrays saying if its dislocated it would need to be pushed back in or it could cause permanent damage. It was broken in 7 places and dislocated, which was amazing such a small bone could break so much.

I have also had a fractured eye socket, checkbone from a stray elbow while rolling at Jiu Jitsu.

When i was younger i was slammed to the ground in a take down and i didnt position myself well, and my head slammed and bounced against the mat, instantly my head pounded and i though i fractured my skull it was so painful. I brushed it off and went to practicing drills and while i was in the mount position my nose began pouring out a clearish liquid. i though it was a nose bleed and it was going all over the other persons gi. i got up and ran and blocked it up and it stopped almost immediately. i waited then rejoined my partner and on the bottom i was fine, then when i got on the mount again it poured out. this happened for an hour and people were concerned because it was not blood. it looked like a sinus problem. I went to the doctor with a splitting headache the next day. i had xrays and found out i had fractured the plate between my sinus and my brain. it had cracked and what was leaking was actually brain fluid. I missed 6 weeks thats all but it could have been worse.

Torn shoulder that needed surgery, thats about it really.. of course there has been knocks and bruises and strained muscles and broken teeth along the journey but all in all the pain teaches un never to forget the mistake we made that led to it haha.

Had my teeth chipped from sparring without a mouthguard. Got my finger sprained when a guy rolled over it in grappling. Also sprained my knee once in grappling. Had some sort of wrist damage blocking a kick. Got knocked out once. I've had ribs popped. These things don't happen often- I've been training for over 25 years- but they do happen. Most common, though, are bruises on my ribs or limbs, muscle strains, and friction burns from a gi (uniform) or tatami mats. But none of those things are enough to keep me out of training, just the bigger stuff that happens once every few years.

I've broken toes on tatami and puzzle mats.

I've sprained my hand in competitive board breaking.

I've gotten a bloody nose and minor cuts sparring.

I've pulled a hamstring kicking high.

I've pulled lower back muscles from rolling, falling, and kicking.

I've split fingernails doing fingertip breaking.

I've got countless bruises and minor cuts.

Not me personally, but I've seen knockouts, torn ACL's, sprained ankles and knees from sparring and jumping, bites from sparring, knocked out teeth from sparring. hyperventilation from sparring, fainting due to nervousness, and nasty kicks to the groin from sparring.

Most of the time, they were all accidents - people just don't wake up that morning with the express intent to hurt you. And in most of these cases, the injuries were due solely to improper training or instruction.

An instructor who sees either or both sparrers too exhausted to spar and doesn't stop the match is asking for trouble. People who do not stretch or warm up properly - particularly older people - are asking for torn or sprained muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Fighters who are not careful about what they are doing are reckless to themselves and their opponents. Even simple things like not cutting the nails can invite serious injury.

I sprain my hand when I compete in breaking using a ridgehand. I can tolerate the pain, but, I don't properly condition my hand - since I don't compete all that often anymore. So this is my fault. And I've broken a toe numerous times while sliding across the mat, and getting caught in the seams.

I've pulled a hammy during Muay Thai training, as well as have bruised my shin by connecting with my sparring partners shin (I was only bruised and fine after 10 minutes, he couldn't walk and had to crawl away, went to the doctors the next day, and found out I had cracked his shin straight down the middle. He didn't come back to class unfortunately lol). I've had a swollen eye from accidentally leaning into a shin kick, i've had a bruised skull due to a messed up demonstration (his foot slipped off my shorts and dropped an elbow right on top of my head). bruised ribs due to endurance training (teacher and fellow student stood across from eachother, one of the left, and one of the right, and both would take turns doing kicks to our body. The person in front of me got a hurricane kick to the ribs, and it broke three of them)

Most common for me is sprained big toes hyper extended elbows and injuries to the patellar tendon all from judo. I also sprain my ring fingers tons doing stretching exercises but all in all the sport I do judo is pretty safe most my injuries come from groundwork as we just roll and roll and roll.

So far lots of bumps, bruises, (concussions maybe but never really checked by a doctor), a cut or two, a broken bone and recurring knee and back issues that I really do not care to elaborate on.

Yeah, you know, normal stuff.

Pulled groin muscle (tried to kick to high), dislocated pinky finger during sparring, pulled groin muscle during sparring, and a variety of bumps and bruises.

lloyd irvin raped me.