> What is your take on this?

What is your take on this?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Some people just don't want the truth or see proof. they would rather have there fansboys and multiple accounts support there bs view's and make up excuses.

I think I know who you are talking about and he blocked me as well. I say good riddance to rubbish people and their bs multiple accounts. Its one less bs rant I have to read from fanboys.


i also notice the same fanboys always resort to the same lines. and claim only three techniques are not in mma proving they know little about both.

Edit:> ya kw what ever floats your boat, like I said I really don't care since I'm sure it's full of your usually bs lies, and I'm sure you will pick one of your fanboys as best answer and not an actual answer based on read facts.

so let me get this straight bbqpit you attack me first and then claim it was my fault. ya and you wonder why i consider you and your buddy boy a joke. you can spin it anyway you want kiddo what ever floats your boat

People don't like being faced with an idea that contradicts theirs. I hate it when people tell me I'll never get the girl I want, the job I want, the goal I'm after, etc. But if you ask, expect and answer. Not one you'll want to hear but an answer.

What miffs me is that people will post questions to instigate versus start a discussion. There's a fine line between me asking: "Why do practitioners of the Chang Moo Kwan style prefer to strike using this method" or "why do practitioners of the Chang Moo Kwan style prefer this method of handling this situation" or "why do practitioners of the Chang Moo Kwan style prefer to train this way" VERSUS "why do people who practice this style think it's worthy anything when in reality it's complete and utter horseshit!!!???"

See the difference between those questions? Often times, people will ask a question hoping to get positive feedback to show that someone supports them. So to answer why they'll post an opinion but discourage a different opinion, it's because the idea of a different opinion being a valid one totally screws up their perfect world. People can't seem to grasp the idea that certain arts that have been regarded as crap can in theory and practice hold up against any other.

What I've noticed is that it's not just people who have less experience acting this way. It's people with far more experience than I (17 years as of February 2014) that also do this.

HI KW!!! :-)

As someone from the traditional camp, I have my biases. I appreciate all sorts of opinions so don't understand why someone would block someone else unless they were being attacked, or trolled.

Now with that said, I don't care for the attacks on TMAs, and the claims of this art or that art is a fraud. Also just telling someone to do MMA as it's "real" or other such advice IMHO shows a lack of deeper understanding.

As we all know there is a lot of crappy Martial arts out there. TKD is an example of an art with a HORRIBLE reputation because of low standards and people more interested in making a buck than teaching things properly.

And that brings me to another point, when one attacks part of an art such as kata, tradition, etc it shows me they're lacking in part of their training. If one's goal is to fight then one learns to fight. But one will be limited in their understanding if they don't learn many different training methods, and many points of view.

Finally, I find it sad that so many people don't learn an art yet think they're an expert. Many arts have a lot of folks who have trained for a year, or even a bunch of years and not made it to black belt. Unfortunately this limits them to pre-beginner status as they're just working on the basics. So how in the world could they even know the whole art let alone what it has or lacks.

And lastly a complaint that I have is the recent trend that all arts are good. Or that they're complete. This clearly isn't true. There are way too many arts that are "created" by folks who quit and began their own stuff. These "arts" are pure junk IMHO. They lack understanding and they lack many techniques as they were "created" by someone who didn't have the ability to learn all of an art before they moved on. Now I may be mistaken but I can't think of many cases where a high ranking black belt created a "new" art and it became huge.

So I guess the point is that we all have opinions and above are some of mine. To me what's important is someone's understanding of their art as well as martial arts as a whole. I don't block folks, and will give kudos when I see good stuff. I'll also thumbs up them. But when I see silly stuff, I just ignore it (or comment like above) as there just isn't enough time in life to get too worked up about it!

As long as it is a valid opinion and not a rant, I do not have a problem with anyone answering any question I ask. I might not agree with the answer and I may even call someone out if I know what they are saying not true or dangerous. I would not block them for having another idea or view point. It is childish but then again I would say many that do that are still children, at least emotionally and mentally.

Experience and being Knowledgeable are not always the same. You can say you have been in martial arts for 20, 30 or more years that does not mean you are better than anyone else. Time does not automatically equate to knowledge or skill as you seem to feel it should. Just because you have supposedly been doing MA sine 19?? Does not mean you have all answers and you are the best there is. I am sure there are people that have been in MA for only a few years that are better and more knowledgable than you.

Stop thinking that since you are ready for, or already have an AARP card you are All things martial arts as you seem to think. I have been wearing shoes since before I could walk but I can't design a good shoe, driving for many, many, many years but I can't just jump onto a NASCAR track and expect to be the top guy.

Get over yourself

I'm sure you think that I fall into the camp that you're describing, although I know you can't be talking about me, as I haven't asked a question in a while, nor have I ever banned anyone (and this is the only account I have).

With that said, I value intelligent discussion, even if the person disagrees with me. I recognize that disagreement with me is going to happen. It's just the way the world works. However, the problem I have is when disagreements aren't discussed cordially, but instead the person who disagrees tends to just attack by calling the other person dumb or a load of other things.

I've never seen this from you pugpaws, but many TMA guys on here tend to just attack to the point where I couldn't blame someone for banning them from a question. For example, kokoro is complaining that KW is obviously closed minded because he bans some people from his questions... but guess what? Kokoro has banned me before. Hypocrisy at its finest!

And Kokoro says he is fine with people like KW banning him as that is one less post he "has" to read... he HAS to read it? Fact is, no one here has to read any post they don't want to. If anyone has a problem with the type of questions someone generally asks, then they don't have to read it. I mean, do our lives revolve around YA? I know mine doesn't.

But anyway, I personally don't ban people and generally am a proponent of freedom of speech. However, the irony is that by complaining that KW is banning you or anyone else is the same as saying you want him to conform to the way you conduct yourself.

@Kokoro: you have got to be kidding me. You do realize our answers are saved and people can go back and read them right?

For anyone who doesn't know, let me state what happened.

In this question here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...

The asker, "Laura" said she wanted to know why it is that the martial artists on this section seem to know more than 99% of MMA fighters and in fact, based on this knowledge, the martial artists on here are "potentially more potent than a lot of MMA fighters."

In my answer to her, I simply said, "I'm going to tell you something I learned a lot time ago: Knowing something isn't the same as being able to do it.

Despite what it may "sound" like, don't think for a second any of the guys in this section (other than me ;)) would have any chance against a professional MMA fighter, especially not the caliber of those two."

This wasn't a slam on anyone in particular, but instead it is stating a fact (and hopefully people have enough sense to know that the exclusion of myself in this comment was tongue-in-cheek). Fact is that there is a major difference between knowing how to do something, and being able to do it. An example of this is that I know how to dunk a basketball, but I can't do it. Boxers know how to slip a jab, but that doesn't mean they are always able to do so, otherwise no boxer would get hit with a jab. I know what it takes to bench press 500 lbs, but that doesn't mean I can do it (hypothetically, of course I could :D). The list could go on to prove this true.

But anyway, so Kokoro decides to take it upon himself to respond to me by saying, "what a dumb statement bbqpit, its more of a difference between an instructor and someone mimicking there instructor."

What a dumb statement? To what does Kokoro disagree with? Does Kokoro think that knowing how to do something is the same as doing it? So just because I know how to dunk a basketball, that means I can do it?

And then his point about students mimicking their teachers shows that he didn't even understand the statement I made. If he thought my answer missed the mark and didn't properly address the asker, then he could have easily answered her without attacking me or anyone else. The attack on me was completely unnecessary.

However, this right here is what started this little "feud" of ours. And now on here, Kokoro is saying I attacked him first... right. Anyone who is half-way objective can see for themselves that he clearly attacked me first. And the whole thing could have been avoided if he instead just said something like, "I disagree with your statement bbqpit and here's why" rather than, "what a dumb statement" and then to top it off, he goes on to show he didn't understand the statement.

Or perhaps the thing that really irked Kokoro isn't the first statement, but the fact that I said that no one in this section could beat up a professional MMA/UFC fighter. I'd like to think his ego isn't so out of control that he would be upset that someone would doubt he could successfully take someone like Anderson Silva in an unarmed, one-on-one, no-rules fight.

But, clearly Kokoro is the type who would go up to someone and smack them and then wonder why they "started it" by hitting him back.

The thing that bothers me the most is when people who respond make digs at other systems as being "fads" or "watered down" versions of the original. Anyone who is legit knows that any martial system has good and bad instructors. I am more than aware of this because of the difficulties I had in the past finding instructors who focused on the effectiveness of their training rather than it's "style".

I have had extensive training in the traditional combat systems of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and Karate (WWII era, taught to my father by the Japanese, taught to me by my father). I also have strong backgrounds in a few other traditional systems (including TKD,) and my personal preference at this time is Krav Maga. Whereas no system, including KM, has a perfect answer for every situation, it does not benefit others who have no real experience to disparage a system based on limited contact or a poor interaction with a weak instructor. To block an individual from openly commenting on a posed question not only demonstrates the individuals closed mindedness, it also shows their limitation as a Martial Artist.

Regarding MMA,... while it can be deemed that MMA can be effectively applied in street defense situations, it lacks the critical and potentially lethal technique training that may be required to survive a life and death assault situation.

It is about the student and the instructor, intent and purpose, drive and determination,...not the system itself. All systems can be used to defend one's self in a fight. Not all students, regardless of their instructor, are good at separating style and form from techniques so they can adapt what they've learned into an effective fighting system they can use. Being a Martial Artist is about Integrity, Respect, Honor, and Dignity.

Being in a system (KM) that utilizes the most effective techniques from virtually every available other system can open one's eyes to more truth about the Martial Way than restricting one's Self, limiting one's Self, to any one style.

I do not talk down about any other style or system because I have experience in several and am well aware that any Martial Artist can prevail in the moment, regardless of their background.

When i ask a question, i ask for a broad range of opinions not just the opinion of those who think like me. I wouldn't block anyone without just cause.

I like to hear the opinion of both TMA and MMA guys. I have had the pleasure of experiencing both sides of the coin and think on occasions both have valued opinions. I would much rather a debated topic with respect than to listen to something that does not challenge the mind.

I am one of those that often cites the pc-ness of many here, I wouldn't say I limit it to people that regard themselves as a "senior", but I'd have to check, I am certain the number of times I have stated it, or implied it, can be counted, and would show who I am singling out. Sometimes I don't list their names, because there are a number of "regular" contributors that are, what is the word...oh, whiny, and feel compelled to moderate what they don't like.

I'm no fan of Pugs (add that to the times I have mentioned a name) but this is relevant. People, (note I have not mentioned multiple names) will go to bat for Jr, mostly that is his peer group in terms of understanding. None of you pick up on it, but I am sure it will be stated more frequently now, but how many times have you seen lil KW say he isn't a troll, that he feels he is "misunderstood", that he is targeted because of opposing view. The fkn idiot claims to be a teacher, and has 14 years of experience. I have never seen anyone throw a pity party for themselves as often as he does, it's pretty pathetic.

He gets told it isn't an "opposing" view, but his lies, such as all style but the one he thinks he knows something about is a legit art. He regularly used to state he has 10 accounts in the wings ready to go, then tries to sell that his peer group is thumbing him up. LOL I am blocked, Pugs, Kokoro. Now, since it is out there, he will say I am also one he chose to block, yet I can find him telling me it was a "mistake". Let's give him the benefit of doubt.

A simple question, how does a martial arts teacher make a simple mistake once? Has anyone seen the block process? There is a little button, press it, and boom. No other names are on that menu, it is a choice to "mistakenly" block someone, yet more lies from him. 14 years experience, and he can't figure out a block? He's full of crap. He uses the block to prevent answers like this in his questions.

I blocked him for my most recent question, not because I am afraid of what he says, but because above all, he desparately wants to run with the big dogs. (Not saying I am, I don't want to be, but check out when he goes psychotic, and it is in a thread like this. He NEEDS people, like John and Shaeeck, to believe someone that read his nonsense, 12 people in one, were "on his side". LOL Back to PC...who believes he doesn't do that himself?? Check the threads, it is the "seniors" that get more than a few answers, especially those of this variety where some have actually thought about it. The others ones are generally teenagers telling him what a smart kid he is. Duh! Kids in the 14-18 range stick together, but those threads he only gets one or two thumbs and usually there are less than 5 answers. I think all you "seniors" should block him, nothing hurts a kid desparate for attention more than being left out of the adult conversation. For him to use an alias to get his word in, illustrates his denial of 15 accounts.

As mentioned, it is a game, and for him, a very important one. I wouldn't bother fkin with a 14 yo, but, a 23 yo claiming to have experience couldn't make a stupid mistake like blocking Pugs...it's merited. It's intentional, and this is his psychotic mode of trying to assure his peer group he isn't a a kid...prone to...being a kid. If he wants adult conversations, he could always get his "stafff" back.

If I have gone at it with anyone, it is bbq, and he is right, nobody makes anyone do anything here, so that line betrays experience in life, for those that use it.

Also, a martial artist should be able to see it in most questions. I could ask, "Why does a dog chase its tail?" Had I done so, I would have gotten that answer as well. Sorry, it is a martial arts question, one most cannot see. It might be better off in Dogs n Cats, but when I ask it, it has far more relevance to the martial arts than dogs n cats.

I have seen what you mention. Even if I disagree with someones opinion I am willing to listen to it to determine later if it has any merit. I think the main problem is that some lesser trained MA people tend to have bought into the advertisements of the business owners and have become acolytes. With that type of person, when you disagree with them, you are attacking their world views, their religion in a way. Even with facts and figures, these people tend to say, "well that's nice, but I still don't want to believe it." and they don't want to get the truth but opinions to support their views.

KW unblock Pugs and Kokoro, these guys will throw stuff out you like an opponent to have, eg aliveness in and resistance in their answer's........ but yes i think it's a bit crap you don't get to answer him, Byron has been giving some good answers tho.

Edit : well there you go.

We have a few here that think themselves more knowledgeable than the guys with much more experience. They profess to tell it like it is and not act politically correct as the seniors are accused of being. They attack anything that is not mma and freely answer anything that is posted about TMA. Yet I find I'm being blocked from viewing or answering their recent questions. It seems that they feel it is OK to comment on my and other's questions, yet are closed minded to the point of blocking us from answering their questions. What do you think of people who can post whatever they want, but prevent others from doing the same?

When someone posts a question shouldn't it be to get other people opinions? most of the members in this section except that if they post a question they will get answers they don't like or agree with. Most people take that and don't exclude answers from more experienced members.

I think it's stupid. If you close of your question from people who are off a different opinion then you're close minded and not interested in any sort of debate or discussion.

I don't see the point in doing that. If you're going to do that you might as well not post your question.

It's because some here are just not being open minded. They choose to stay confined in their pettiness and ignorance. They choose to not be open to the information on here, and it's their fault and their loss.

It's also just the reality of an Internet forum. You can troll, spam, lie, block others, ask bs question, make bs answers, etc., and be totally anonymous at the same time. It sucks and it's immature, but it happens.

Well in all honesty the one thing I've learned on YA is that any moron can type in whatever credentials they want. When they start actually saying something its quite clear how full of crap and themselves they are. Not to mention how little they actually know.

On the MMA thing ya you're right. They remind me of religious fundamentalists. They think they know everything and everything else is the devil. I call them KIA's (Know It All's). I love both TMA and MMA. We wouldn't have one without the other.

I think it is petty. I also agree with whomever said it is childish. But so is the stupid argument of mma vs tma. It is stupid, childish and a waste of time that can never be regained.

The reason some don't want your viewpoint is they no they are wrong. They are intimidated by you. They have something to hide. I'm certain some more reason could e added to my small list

I would prefer to give definitions of how I think of this sort of behavior. Simply because, what I think wouldn't matter to those who do it. The following is merely a list of words, and terms used for definition.


That should suffice for now.

Those people who think they know everything really annoy those of us who do.


Remember, this is not a forum for knowledge. It is only a forum for fun. There is knowledge, but you have to know how to find it.

People who do what you are finding are doing it out of sheer pettiness: because they can. It's self aggrandizement. They post crap because they can and Yahoo doesn't care and they get 2 points out of the deal to boot!

That is akin to plugging your ears and screaming "I can't hear you" like a little kid. It demonstrates both immaturity, and insecurity. It shows that they know they are wrong.

I wouldn't even care, but they spread so much really bad advice to the young ones who are asking for, and in my opinion worthy of hearing the truth.

We have several of these inexperienced experts here, egos bigger than their skills.

One thing I noticed over the years that indicates skill to me is humility. When these kids actually reach a level of skill, they will have learned to be humble.

It is all an ego trip to them, but it is protection and a lifestyle to us.

EVERYTHING you people know about martial arts self defense is advertising and hype via movies t.v. and mcdojo ******** artists and self proclaimed experts on you tube with their deadliest style crap.The sport types are no better.

Kids, pure and simple. This is all just a big game to them.

@Callsign, it has to do with the martial arts section, so there is that...

What does this question have to do with martial arts?