> What is the most effective offensive and defensive fighting style?

What is the most effective offensive and defensive fighting style?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Anything with grappling as the focus and abit of boxing or kickboxing. Of dudes I ussally say judo but as a women looking for rape defense I'd say ju jitsu would be better. The truth is all you need is a good self defence book to get you the right mindset for the street and its pretty easy to just avoid conflict all together a lot recommend boxing and arts like bjj and judo combine or even mma this combined with a good street mindset is gold. Some arts are complete and will give you a better self defence base then just grappling and boxing but its like finding a meddle in a haystack in any western country.

All martial arts has both offensive and defensive techniques. However you need a combination of both to be effective. And the best defense is honestly a good offense. The problem is this, which I think comes from movies. When naive kids such as yourself think off a self defense situation they imagine someone punching first and then they think they are going to block or catch the fist midair, do some cool move and down goes the bad guy. Something like that?

Well unfortunately it's not going to go down like that. Blocking is very hard in real life, weaving away is even more difficult and risky unless you are very proficient boxer. Considering the risks of blocking and evading a punch the only real choice left is to attack first. Which is the safest option.

So what you are looking for a solid art that does hard sparing and has a good trainer. Focus first on finding a good trainer, then see if they spar at all and then find out how physical their workouts are. Those are the three things you are looking for.

No style is either just offensive or defensive. There is nothing really defensive when defending yourself.

Find a teacher that will teach the complete style and not just the beginner techniques so you can learn all aspects of the martial art whichever one it is you choose.

Movies are movies and the fighting in movies is choreographed to look good and entertain and will never work like that in a real fight. You need to understand that there is a difference or you will be disappointed and quit.

The best martial art for you is the one that has the best teacher. You need to find that yourself. The style will not guarantee you you are getting what you expect. All martial arts styles can be taught many different ways for many different reasons and there are definitely differences from one teacher to the next.

Your idea of what martial arts are about is somewhat incorrect. ALL martial arts and fighting systems are designed to have both defensive and offensive techniques. To have only one or the other would be risky at best. Now understand that although some people believe that some styles are more offensive or defensive that is not true. Martial arts are used by people. People decide how they use what they have learned so they determine how offensive or defensive they will be. Fighting defensively only means that it is only a question will the attacker catch you making a mistake soon or later.


It is not a style that makes offensive or effective.

The most effective style is the one with the best instructor,

The best you can be is the result of the teacher/student combination. Both have to do their jobs to be effective.

KW gave decidedly bad advice. Do NOT start fights as he suggests. If you are not defending, you are offending, and I advise against that. So does the law.

styles are neither defensive or offensive. its how you use the style that makes it defensive or offensive.

JoKyoNim don't worry his list doesn't take anytime from you and just think you get to live rent free in his head. lmao.

part of the benefits of his list is he gives you up to 6 thumbs down from his other accounts, no matter what your answer is. lmao

he has an unhealthy obsession with people, anyone that enjoys confrontation as much as him has a serious mental defect. and then he goes around claiming its others not him. what a sap... lmao

@KW..Little man you are. Your at it again. When will you learn? Obviously never.

You do realize the first set of techniques in Hapkido and Kuk Sool are pure offensive techniques.

Back to the question at hand. You can find almost all martial arts are going to have both. Unless you take a purely self defense/save your a$s classes. Kick boxing is more westernized compared to Muay Thai. Just abt anything can work against a criminal hopefully they are not better than you. You have to really be confident and know certain areas to inflict your damage. Many those elbows Muay Thai has. Alot of your traditional Karate has what your looking for. It is just a misconception that it doesn't have what your looking for. It Does.

Any martial art that keeps you alive in an situation is good.

IN situations your were describing you would not want to go to the ground you would want to do all your damage standing so you can get the hell out of dodge and not hang around if you know what i mean. Unless you are taken to the ground than it becomes SURVIVAL not offensive or defensive. We are talking your life not some match like you have in MMA, BJJ, Judo or anything like that.

And Nina pls don't fall for that troll little man kw.

@KW you heard me little man. You still like telling lies and misinformation. And I take scraps from no one. Nor do i take sloppy seconds either. You still have no idea that most TMA has offensive in it right off the bat. Do your research and homework. Like i said earlier if you did you would know Kuk Sool has offensive techniques as the first set you learn. And if you look at their second set of clothing grabs it turns from counter into offensive right away. And you still have no idea what compliance is or means. You still putting down your 10 years of mcdojo karate or kempo or whatever you decide to call it this month. You should of termed it 10 years of blowing your nose in mommies apron.

P.S. thx again kw for telling lies to Kaiser and throwing me "scraps" - TROLL little man kw. Keep telling them lies and keep contradicting yourself. See how fast your fantasy world crumbles. Like caged dojo is abt to do.

@KW what only a thumbs down cat got your keyboard or is the truth hard to swallow?

@KW personally i don't care. Still think your a multiple account TROLL.

@KW whatever little man.

Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu.....

I am willing to do two different ones.

I want to learn to block, kick, punch, grapple, what to do d I'm on the ground and be just downright kickass.

I want to fight like Sarah walker in chuck look up a video and see for example her fighting style which is I think muay Thai (Thailand) but I don't know.

Is kickboxing good for more realistic street type fighting.

And also I heard that muay Thai and kick boxing are the same just that muay Thai is more brutal.

So what do you think is best for me, so I can protect myself from criminals, men who want to mug/rape me etc and the worst of all, brutal teenage girls.