> What is the best martial arts for offensive combat?

What is the best martial arts for offensive combat?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I would hardly call Taiji silly.

Tai Chi with a proper teacher and not mcdojo is actually really good.

I like the classics personally. Boxing. The only reason i say that is because more fights end with a punch or two.

Liondancer is correct. You will be better served by devoting all your time and energy to learning one style as fully as you can. The higher you rank, the more advanced techniques you can be taught. Of course, you need to find a school that has the ability to teach higher level students. Getting first black just means you are a 'serious student,' in many traditions.

Rifle and pistol marksmanship.

My carry weapon is the CZ P-07 Duty in 9mm. For more subtle carry, when I can't comfortably conceal my CZ, I go back to basics with a S&W model 642 - this is a 5 shot hammerless revolver in .38 +P. I bought mine with the 2.125" barrel, no longer offered but the slightly shorter barrel is traditional and good. And revolvers never jam. I live in south Louisiana so I'm more often carryingthe revolver, it's in winder when the CZ comes out.

Go to the range and rent as many different guns as they offer. Find what's best for you. What just 'feels' right. Practice until you can put 4" groups at 10 yards at pretty fast fire (trust me, this isn't hard and is the distance where most drama goes down). Go back to the range to 're-up' AT LEAST every 3 months. I go almost weekly but I'm shooting all manner of weapons.

I highly recommend revolver, so don't look down your nose at them.

With all due respect to those who train in hand to hand, firearms are better. I'm sure you'll agree. I completely understand moral objections to the use of deadly force and if that is something important to you I respect you for standing by it. Or maybe, God forbid, you live in a gun hating state. Then absolutely learn other ways to defend yourself. But ultimately, a can of mace and a pistol in the car has stopped more 'drama' than anything else I've heard of. Sometimes even just brandishing shuts problems down. It did for me in the one and only time I felt genuine fear for my life from another human being.


i have never need more then one style to be effective. effectiveness depends how you train. if you need to train more then one style then you never understood your first style.

i also agree with liondancer, tai chi is extremely effective, when training correctly under a good instructor.

Yes i know martial arts become efficient once you've mastered more than one and i also know about kravmaga and Brazilian jujitsu are useful but are there anyothers? no silly answer like origami or tai-chi