> What is the best martial art for self defence?

What is the best martial art for self defence?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Any of the following three:

1. Krav Maga: Works off of instinctive movements. Focuses on putting the attacker down as quickly, efficiently, and brutally as possible, then fleeing the situation. For pure self-defense, it gets no better in terms of M.O.

2. MMA: Not perfectly geared towards "street defense" situations (weapons, multiple attackers, etc.), but builds a diverse array of skills, based upon proven-effective techniques. Plus, fight-specific athletic conditioning is stressed at every MMA gym worth a damn. It creates well-rounded, well-conditioned fighters that can easily handle the average "tough guy" one-on-one.

3. Muay Thai: Same limitations as MMA, but nearly all of the same benefits. You won't be learning groundfighting obviously. But you would be taught a wide variety of fairly violent throws from the standing clinch (a common street fight position). Plus, you'd have great conditioning and a savage (and again, proven) array of strikes.

There is no most effective martial art. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.

The more you train a martial art the more you realize you do not need to fight. Honestly if you could have walked away and that would have been the best approach but if there was no option then once again we are back to no martial art is more effective than another.

Martial arts is similar to a mechanics tool box... The more you learn and train is like buying another tool and putting it in the tool box. Years later you have an entire garage filled with tools to fix a car. Then sometime when you need to get a nut or bolt off, then you search in the tool box and you find an open ended spanner this does not mean it is the only tool you can use. because the next guy comes along and has a ring spanner, and the next has a shifting spanner and then the next has a socket wrench and so on and on...

All the tools can do the job but its just a matter of being prepared with as many tools as you can.

Honestly i would avoid Krav Maga and TKD like the plague unless you know the place well and know the instructor has serious credentials as an instructor. If you find the right instructors then any style is great.

It must be noted that 70% of how well a martial art is for defense has to do with the teacher, rather than the art. But good arts to learn under effective teachers would be: Krav Maga, Tae Kwon Do, some styles of the classic Kung Fu and Karate, Muay Thai, and to a lesser extent, boxing (That one's really only good for beginning to get into martial arts. They teach the basics of throwing a punch, and turn it into muscle memory which is actually quite important).


Here is a good course you can follow if you want to learn some self defence tecniques to protect yourself and your family http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=4...


there's nothing best martial arts, all depend on personal, how hard you hard work, how discipline you are, cause every martial arts designed for fighting with each style of them, and how made it effectice all depend on you.

BJJ Look it up. Ask Chuck Noris. He got choked out by Gracie years ago

Krav Maga

what are the circumstances

what are the surrondings

this is like asking wheres the best beach in the world

everyones got their own opinion

The best style for you is Yu Dang Fu

I would say krav maga because it doesn't focus on striking but it focuses on using your opponents own strenght against him