> What is the TRUTH about Grandmaster Harold Mayle!? Part 2?

What is the TRUTH about Grandmaster Harold Mayle!? Part 2?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
What you are doing can be held against you in a court of law and from the looks of it you are headed that way. I would recommend you remove your question and not 'help' the person you are having issues with by giving him things he can use against you at a later date. Also hire a lawyer.

This is a tragic story. Harold Mayle's history is "shady" at best. What kind of person would aid this man in his abuse of this family? The people helping him are sick and guilty of abuse too.

After reading the other answers, I am stunned. How can you call 5000 characters a rant? You don't have the patience to read something that large unless it's your own? What?? You can't stand to talk about anything other than "who's got the best kick" What good is a Martial Artist without a purpose which is NOT self serving?

What kind of Martial Artist has a problem with self defense? I have many collegues who are more concerned with protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Here it seems the people who like to be heard can only focus on themselves. Have some compassion!! What is wrong with you?? If you don't like the question, stay out of it. You aren't that important, trust me.

You are ranting, and this question is liable to get you reported.

You need to get a lawyer, or an attorney general, who can handle these issues:

1) Order of protection

2) Libelous actions (not slander, unless he also spoke untruthfully ill of you)

3) Remove Facebook posts, which can only happen through legal channels, which you can begin by reporting him to facebook authorities

4) Remove Yahoo past activity, since you cannot do this by yourself

5) Handle computer tampering issues (access to Yahoo on your behalf)

6) Extortion

You may also want to seek protection through child protection services, since you mentioned "abuse" and "kids" in the same context - as well as extortion (a federal crime).

If his actions in Facebook are crimes, a lawyer with experience in federal law will be helpful, as will the attorney general, since extortion, online bullying, and computer tampering are all federal crimes.

You can also seek redress in family court, which can often have sharper teeth than state court in dealings with your children: they tend to be able to bypass many of the formalities that adult court requires, and you can often see immediate results.

So, get a lawyer, and stop ranting on-line - it will work against you.

And for what it's worth, despite your ex's affiliation with a martial arts organization, this is not a martial arts question.

Good luck.

EDIT: @Conan, the question is a rant because it is in a "he said, she said" context. The question does not seek knowledge, only approval. It's vague. It's not even related to martial arts. It involves an on-going situation involving state and federal crimes involving children, computer trespass, and extortion. We Yahooligans should not be consulted for a course of direction for serious crimes as described. This is a serious issue of significant legal implications. Anyone providing insight or aid (other than seeking professional legal advice) could be seen as having knowledge, which could then land that person on a witness list or an investigator at their front door.

Although I have never met Mayle, I have often heard negative things about him and his martial arts ability. To be fair I can't comment as to if what I have heard is correct or not. The fact that he is so controversial is enough for me to want nothing to do with him.

That said, if you are truly being slandered and harassed by him you should be talking to a lawyer.

After reading your post again, it does seem that you really need to talk to a lawyer not to people here.


i have no idea who he is nor do i care and i dont have time to read your whole rant,

if you have an issue hire a lawyer

Bla Bla Bla.

.....call the police

This question was asked by my Ex, Harold Mayle, who then, without my consent or knowledge, Harold Mayle used my account to answer his own question. He then selected the fraudulent answer as the best one.

I ended an almost 10 yr relationship with Harold Mayle because of emotional, physical and mental abuse towards me. In his vengeful manner, Harold Mayle used facebook to slander me, threaten my family and attempt to extort half a million dollars, which does not exist, from my children. In an attempt to protect myself and my family, I am trying to bring the light of truth upon his dark, nefarious ways.

NOTICE: It has come to my attention that Harold Mayle is currently making public facebook posts which slander my character, threaten my family and openly show his attempts to extort money, which does not exist, from my children. I have been left NO other choice but to defend my family and myself by telling the truth and exposing his lies. Approx. 10 years ago, I made a true and legitimate commitment to Harold Mayle, who at the time, had lost ALL but a handful of his colleagues and friends, all of his earthly possessions and he had suffered an injury. Because of my LOVE and compassion for him, I was determined to forgive his past and help him move forward into a better life, successful business and the enjoyment of having fulfilling relationships. I cared for him through sickness and injury, rebuilt his business and supported all of his efforts to be happy again. My goal was to support and encourage him to be a better man, the man I believed in and Loved in order to prevent the continued cycle of drama and trouble he had experienced in his past. Unfortunately for me, I believed that his goals were compatible with mine.

Blinded by my love for Harold and the hope of a happy future and family, I firmly believed that Harold Mayle was capable of changing for the better. However, because I did so much for him and asked nothing in return, Harold was more interested in manipulating and controlling my life so not to lose the advantages of unconditional love and support he so enjoyed and needed. During the fifth year of our relationship, Harold began to believe that he was ENTITLED to a lifestyle where he was revered, respected and even feared. He demanded perfection in all things and when he didn't get what he believed he deserved, he became angry, abusive and violent. I was saddened and frightened by what I perceived as a change in his behavior however, all of my attempts to encourage him to find and get professional help only angered him, provoked more abuse and strangely he became very secretive and peculiar. His reaction frightened me even more, so I took my children and moved into a shelter which purpose was for the protection of women and children from abuse. The experience of being homeless and locked away in fear was so horrible, that when Harold pleaded for our return, I was very hopeful that he would make the needed changes. It was at this time that I gave Harold an ultimatum. He was to get professional help or I was going to end our relationship.

The following year proved that Harold Mayle, indeed had complete control over his abusive behavior however, he did not absolutely stop the abuse and he found many excuses to NOT follow through on his promises to get professional help. Harold had re-connected with a friend of his, Denny Bowe and Denny's wife Ginger Bowe. Consequently, these were people who he had not included in our lives for the past six years yet strangely, they came to stay with us for three days at our home and afterwards they began to call Harold daily to "check on him" I became suspicious of their sudden appearance in our daily lives and on a day that Harold became extremely violent and abusive, I called his friend Denny Bowe to see if he could persuade Harold to more appropriate behavior. As soon as I spoke a single word to Denny Bowe, he interrupted me to inform me that his daughter Misty Bowe was Harold's God-daughter and she was entitled to his fortune, further, Denny had planned on returning to our home so that Harold could place the Deed to our home in Denny's name and he, his wife and his daughter would then expel me and my kids from our home. Denny included that his meetings with my next door neighbor during his visit to my home, (who was also a Vietnam veteran the same as Denny and Harold, therefore he was loyal to the two men) were to ensure that my neighbor Dan, would do Denny's bidding in preventing me and my kids from taking anything from our home. I found Denny Bowe's threats to me and my kids to be disturbing to say the least and I believe that he was feeding into some paranoia that Harold may have. I immediately left the house with my kids to the shelter again, where we spent the following month.

