> What if gays came to your dojo?

What if gays came to your dojo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Why should it bother me? Just because he's gay doesn't mean he has a hard on for every male at the gym. Gays and lesbians have standards just like straight folks. I've trained with lesbians before and if a gay man wanted to train I wouldn't care as long he has a good attitude and is willing to work hard then I could care less what he does in the bedroom

Having taught and studied martial arts for many years I'm of the belief that I probably did train with some gays. So what. As long as their lifestyle does not come into the Dojo it is none of my business. But you might want to think about something. There are those gays that are obvious as in the description you gave. However, there are many gays that no one would suspect as being gay. And you might have trained with one of them and not even known it. Again, so what. concentrate on your training and get over your phobia.


As others have said, it's attitude not who you sleep with that matters. I've trained with openly lesbian women, and I've trained with a few guys I'm pretty sure were gay. I have friends that range from totally straight homophobics, to openly gay. It really doesn't matter if you understand that we're all just people.

In fact, based on your question, I'd rather train with an openly gay or lesbian than someone like you who is bigoted as I don't feel it's part of the martial spirit to have an attitude like I'm reading from your question.

Considering the statistic say that 1 in 8 people are gay just goes to show that you would most definately have trained with some. I am highly offended by your attitude to homosexuality and it shows that you are a pathetic human for stereotyping gay men in such a manner. You never mentioned gay women or straight women being like this. You never mentioned the thought of straight men grappling with straight women, but you insinuated that its wrong or weird to grapple with a gay man.

Offensive and disgusting attitude show by you. Part of me hopes you have a gay child just so you can learn to have some respect but the other part of me would feel sorry for that child.

Grow up

You know, I have turned girls like that away and told them that I can not teach them. I have turned straight guys away too who were more concerned with their appearance than learning and were constantly adjusting their gi in front of the mirror and checking their appearance in the mirror not their form.

It is not about straight or gay but about attitude and if you are too vain to pay attention to the techniques in my class you got to go and train somewhere else or better yet not at all because you don't have what it takes to be a martial artist.

A person, gay or straight, who would scream every time he/she got hit probably wouldn't go in for martial arts, so quit your worrying on that score.

Homosexuality is not a disease you get from physical contact. If it were, we'd all be gay, so quit your worrying on that score.

Don't worry so much about someone else's life. Perfect your own.

Yeah its ok as long as their not youre stereotypical type you know....black and jewish!!!

Point been race and sexuality doesnt matter, once someone comes through the dojo door its about martial arts and thats all that matter's to me.

Gay men need to learn self defense to deal with all the gay bashing that goes on. If gay bashing gets any worse, I could see gay men beginning to carry concealed firearms for their own protection.

I would never practice any ground fighting with a homosexual man. Noooo way.

I don't talk about heterosexual sex in my classes, why would I talk about homosexual sex either?

Over the years, there have been a few I know to be gay - their partners would come with them to the dojang and watch classes or a test. Inevitably, the subject comes up in this manner. Otherwise, the subject never comes up, so, I never know who's gay and who's not - nor do I care.

I worry about training, and that is all I expect of my students. I do not engage in coffee klatch or water fountain gossip. I train, I shut up, I go home. That is what I expect of my instructors, my peers, my students, and myself. If anyone can't do that, I won't train with them - man or woman.

what if gay men came to your dojo, you know the type the limp wristed fairy types

what would you do, would u train with them, and what if they screamed like a girl each time you hit them? and complained their nails or eyebrows might get messed up?

also would you wrestle with them or do any ground work with them?

I would not be phased. Gay, lesbian, straight or bisexual, they are only there to learn like you and I.

To be honest i would feel a bit uncomfortable.But hey, everyone has a right to learn.

Well in that case my name would be keyboard warrior he often visits gay places. LMAO

Ummm sexuality is not something anyone should be open about in public eg training. I would teach anyone with moral fiber the ones that don't have it don't last long.

Why should I care? I don't care what religion, what color or what sexual orientation someone follows. It's up to them. I'm there to train.

It's clear that this question has nothing to do with martial arts.

Wrong section.

This belongs in politics with all the other inane "loaded" questions.

Yay, another ignorant troll!


don't feed the troll

I wouldn't give a **** because i'm not a piece of ****