> What happened to karate?

What happened to karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I have been involved with Kamishinryu and its sister art Tetsuken-Ryu since 1967. Makes me curious who your Sensei is and where you live? I'm originally from South Carolina which is where the arts I mentioned were first headquartered in the U.S.A. after Albert C. Church / Soke brought them to the U.S.A. I know many of Church Soke's the top students, and have trained under several of them.

And yes there is no sport version of these arts. anyone that is using them in tournaments is certainly leaving out much of what makes the systems work for real life self-defense.

!!! Attention.... I asked who your Kamishinryu instructor is, and where he/you are located. I would email you directly, but you have no email address that I can contact you through.


It is a sport, as fighting is seen as a sport more than a way to self-discipline. People to not care for the ideals of martial arts as much nowadays, and fighting is all that matters. People just don't understand the need for the teachings. Its a shame martial arts have come down to just entertainment, but its just how the world sees it nowadays.

Sports karate can never replace true karate. Its just that some people like competition and they prefer sports karate. I know a lot many masters who have dedicated their life in pure okinawan karate and yet never fought in a tournament!!! Its the prefrence of people residing in an area and the amount of advertisment an organization puts to promote its style.

Are you sure that you train in "Kamishin Ryu"???

Because we have a, or THE leading authority of Kamishin Ryu right here on this forum. He is a participant here on Yahoo Answers.

And I can tell you that if your teacher does not have any new members, it is because the teacher prefers it that way.

Sport karate is not replacing true karate.

Understand that not everyone deserves to train in true karate.

if your dojo has not had a new student in over two years that is completely your instructors fault for not advertising, it has nothing to do with sports karate or any other reason.

Your teacher needs to acquire some marketing skills. That has to do with business.

I was brought up on karate. I train daily and then have a training session with my sensei every week. He teaches me not just to fight, but the mindset, discipline, and spirituality behind the ancient form of martial art that I do (It's called kamishin ryu if you want to research). But there are no new members, and no one has joined for about two years now. The thing replacing it is the new 'sports karate', the one where you hit people for points instead of to defend yourself, and if you hit too hard then you get disqualified. It provides no benefits to self defence, with no discipline or philosiphy. If a sports karate student went up into a fight, they would get battered, because the only way they know how to fight is by tapping someone in a specific place for 'hit points'.

TL:DR Why is this sport that provides no benefit so much more popular than a martial art that provides training and discipline to its students?