> What happened to all the regulars who get on here?

What happened to all the regulars who get on here?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm here. Not answering as much - I don't like the new Y!A format, although there is a browser spoof that fools Y!A into thinking your browser is too old for the new formats - and that works real well. Or at least... it used to - now Y!A got smart and made the new format work even for the older browsers.

At first, I was really annoyed at people for asking repeat questions, wondering why they couldn't just search for an answer. But then I realized there is no search functionality (what does exist is nothing worthwhile), and so I can't blame anyone except for Yahoo for the repeat questions: if they made it easier to search, then people will search.

Yahoo also made it less convenient for discussion, despite the strict Q&A syntax they insist on, but I've learned more from discussion than I have from simple questions. So I blame Y!A again for their format.

So for the most part, yahoo seems drying up. No/Rare interesting questions come up, and what's left is the same-old-same-old.

EXACTLY! I find myself coming here far less often. We seem to have a great influx of "newbies" here, which there is nothing wrong with, but most lack intelligence or wisdom. Biased talk and trolls. I hate trolls! Some kid who is suddenly a pro MMA fighter with ties to the UFC, or 5th degree black belts after 8 yrs of training, etc. I have seen only a few newbies who have something worth saying that I can contribute to and better learn from.

It seems to be the same thing over and over, day after day. I only answer questions worth answering and topics that are relatively new. Like @Mark said, a-lot of questions are very juvenile, not worth my time.

But I shall stick around and give my feedback when needed.

PS: It's good to see you back KW. Your infamy has been missed for some odd reason.

I can only speak for myself. I have gotten really tired of the stupid moronic questions. This section has many more children posting questions here that should not even be here. More trolls. And more people asking questions that if they bothered to think would not need to ask. AND the new Yahoo format really sucks. I hope Yahoo is reading this and gets a clue.

And for the record, I don't hate KW. I just don't agree with most of what he believes. but that is to be expected. We come from two totally different training backgrounds.


Pretty much as the others.... Most of the questions in the section are very juvenile... Children asking who'd beat who and wondering if the 59.00 "Bud K" sword they want is "any good."

But I still look through the section and occasionally find something to answer.

It's much the same in the other sections I look at... Same stuff on a daily basis. In "Philosophy"... People must ask "what is the meaning of life" 5 times a day.

Im here in the background, i use to follow my contacts starred questions but they just don't seem to be happening anymore?, plus it seems like the 15 year old tough guys seem to be trying for attention with their tough guy stories. I dont hate people including KW, i actually find him entertaining like the class idiot at school,lol, KW still here in the background too(i asked him ,lol) ,

i know the new purple layout has some good features but for me it's lost it's appeal the old format had, but i just cant put my finger on what it is ?.

@ jwbulldogs what is the other forum you go on perhaps we can all exodus to it.

In addition to life getting in the way (work, family, health), and reasons others mentioned, I got really turned off by some people who insist on telling you how to answer their questions. I'm particularly talking about the ones who tell you "Don't tell me not to fight", It's like they know they're wrong but still want us to co-sign. I can't do that. I didn't even get into that many fights when I was young and I STILL think fighting is a bad idea unless it is absolutely self defense. You can get banged up so bad you feel like you've been in a car accident. Who needs that kind of pain?

And who needs the pain of responding to those type of questions.

Others have answered about the same questions over and over making it a pain to answer them.

I haven't seen KW for at least a month or two. As for "everyone" hating him. If you look at my comments, I for one don't hate him. In fact, I've complemented him many times, and have tried to give constructive criticism when I felt he was out of line with his bias and hatred for TMAs. Or if his bias towards MMA went a bit too far.

I do agree with you that he had some entertaining answers. He also was excellent at pointing out what to look for in a McDojo.

the name you have reached is disconnected, please check the names and try you question again.

i havent seen any question worth answering lately and there is only so many times i can take the question which style is best, or any of the other repeated ones.

but i am still around lurking, there are a few questions i answered weekly, and i still see the others around as well, some pop on once in a while others are still here regularly,

besides y/a took a big lose with this new format. the lost a lot of members because of it. sort of like coke did when they switched there formula. even in other aspects of yahoo they lost a lot with the changes, there mail, and sport sections took a hit as well as others.

We are still here.

When we find worthy questions we answer.

It is tiresome though to read the little kiddies answers and insults all the time.

After a couple weeks of MMA, they seem to think they know so very much more than folks with over 30 years training.

I tire of the disrespect, and stupid comments and questions.

Lurking in the darkness, ma'am.

By design, Y!A isn't so much a forum as it is a Q/A. Were it something like an actual forum where we could have a conversation, then you might see us on more often.

I was actually just thinking, what became of the infamous KW?

EDIT: "Speak of the Devil...and he shall appear..." KW's been watching Dark Knight lately.

I miss seeing the regular answers and learning from others wisdom. It appears like the monotinous questions seem to have drove then from the site for a while.

It appears the genuine questions have all dried up since the experienced crew have left the building...You all hate KW but at least he was entertaining and still had some good points between his flaws. He at least added some character to the room and Kokoro, Byron, possum, pugpaws, akban, sev, Riki, JW, Darth, liondancer, Jim R, Judo guy <-- sorry forget his name, cecil.... where did they all go??

I'm not here as much lately either but seriously no one is ever here..

I think you may be exactly right about the "monotonous" questions. I don't think that they are not here, but I think they come and see all the same old "who wins", "how do I beat up blah, blah, blah", and they just don't comment on those questions that have been answered a thousand times.

If someone were to come up with a unique inquiry, that requires in depth responses, I think everyone would be here for that.

What happened to KWs forum buddies, the top members of YA! Martial Arts section? Haven't seen anything from any of them since Christmas, like that Frank Tank fella.

We are here as stated by Bogeyman. Some of us don't answer as much seeing the question on here. Some don't deserve a response. Some are for a different audience. If the question looks like a troll question I ignore it. There is no point in even reading it.


I don't hat KW or anyone else. Also I don't like the new format. Additionally yahoo contacted me an they are making additional changes that I will like even less. I am answering more on a different forum that has less children and no question about can Bruce Lee beat Silva, etc. The audience is mature. No questions about which style is better, does this look like a mcdojo, how to beat up a bully. It is refresshing not to see so many childish questions. There has been no my style is better than x, y, z styles.

judomofo is the judo guy. He has a bit of history of coming and going. Like other he likely gets bored with stupid questions. Somebody lied to me when they said there are no stupid questions.

I don't know where they have gone, yesterday it was the only time, that only one answered my question.:( But you are definitely right about the monotonous questions:) They can drive someone out.

Mainly just trolls and stupid questions. Most of it is about MMA anyways.

Ahahaha those saying the newbies lack intelligence ,please do not generalise ;) .However I do agree ,with the constant flow of 'troll' questions ,visiting this site is becoming more and more ... Unappealing

Everyone forgets sean :(