> What fighting style does he use?

What fighting style does he use?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
"There is this guy from school who says he can beat me up" So what.

Stop acting like a immature wanker.

If you want to test your machismo and crush someone get in a school or gym and learn to fight in the proper environment. You'll learn some humility and what tools these school yard want to be's really are.

Anyone humoring your delusions is not helping you. Real talk.

I'll take a guess, but there's only a .00001% chance I'll be right.

Seriously though, how am I supposed to know what style he takes. It's impossible to tell. Whatever it is he's not learning it right, no one should face sideways or have their hands down.

Who cares if he says he can beat you in a fight? Don't let such little things bother you like that. Just ignore this kid, it's not worth getting hurt or in trouble over. Seriously, don't fight, it'll only make everything a lot worse. Be smart and don't fight.

Now go forth, and don't fight.

No style is going to teach him to keep his hands down and sneak up and choke people out...

Even a grappler would know with his hands down just put one right on his chin and the fact that he needs to sneak up to get a choke says he has no skills because a good grappler would get the choke while you were face to face.

thats not a fighting style or poser it's a person who only knows the quality of ****. if you wanna win you shouldn't fight at all, if you wanna win in a fight with a bull you step to the side and let it run past you.

There is this guy from school who says he can beat me up and wants to fight me to prove it. But I'm having trouble understanding what kind of fighting style he uses. He is real skinny so I can't imagine it involves much physical training. His stance involves keeping his hands down at his waist with his body sideways.He always tries to sneak up on people and choke them out and say that he is stronger. I saw him spar once with this one chubby black guy where they were flailing there hands around smacking and pushing each other. Before I crush him I just want to know what fighting style all this is.