> What does one do in this situation?

What does one do in this situation?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I hestitate to defend myself sometimes not because I can't fight but because I am concerned the person I beat will come back for revenge later

Good. At least someone's considering the consequences which will be even more grotesque than the fight itself. People often get very wide definitions of defense, so it's a good idea to be aware of the degree of necessity and the point where it becomes 'defense.'

Plus it's also nice that you are having this thought as your defense force should not exceed the level of threat. Excessive force easily gets you repercussions. If he wants revenge, the possibility of that person being a normal human is still there, he/she will think about the consequences and costs of his/her actions and if the revenge doesn't worth it, they won't. That's not to say home security shouldn't be tight neither.

The big thing though is still not to worry about hitting first, if he is keep pushing in and your are legally in your right and have to in your right do it for your body or family...it's better than revenge.

After all the last strategem of 36 the Chinese civilization laid out after millennial of warfare is 'run.' If you escape with minimal injuries today, you can still plan for the craziness later.It may be that you get out of the revenge scenario unharmed. If you get killed today, it's completely lost and the possibility of getting out of that revenge skirmish goes to 0.

It actually happens. My friend ended up in an altercation with a guy that called him the N-word when we were just walking down the street. The guy seemed more interested in arguing than actually fighting. My friend went up to him and just hit him right in the face. He didn't get any serious damage, no police was contacted or anything like that. But it was a fairly small town so everyone knows everyone. 3 weeks later my friend was again in town. 2 cars stop and 6 guys jump out. My friend didn't have the time to run away and they beat the crap out of him. Well kind of. Fortunately they did a $hitty job of beating him up. He did go to the hospital but nothing was broken or anything like that. Some bruises, some scraps and things like that but nothing major. He did however go to the police and ended up getting almost $20 000 from those guys. Whenever I see him I ask him if he could beat me up. As a favor between friends.

Moral of the story? Don't fight.

Look. This is not the 1950s or 1960s. If you hit someone no good will come of it. You will get sued arrested you will get a record. This is not worth it. It is a lose lose situation. If you have a conflict with someone try to settle your differences by discussion or in house debate. If you must fight then take it to a martial arts dojo or boxing gym. If you do that you will see how much guts your opposition has just by showing up and you will not have to worry about any kind of lawsuit. Think before you act. The following could happen the guy you beat could come back with a weapon or a gang. I do not know your family situation but if you have a wife and children imagine what this will do to them. I had a friend a good friend now deceased. He grew up in a different era. We will call him NL. He was the baddest guy in the area. He used to street fight and kick butt. This was a different time. Even he came to realize it was not worth getting in these kind of situations. Please avoid this possibility at all costs.

If it's a real self defense scenario, I make sure that person either:

A: Depending on severity, never comes back for revenge. Ever.

B: Or, I beat them to the point that they shouldn't even think of revenge.

But if they do come back for revenge or their posse or friends, or if one of them decides to shoot me while I'm out and about...

O well.

But if it's a real fight and the attacker has plans to kill me and I fear for my life, I will do everything in my power to kill him.

If I fear for my great safety, I will put him in the hospital. I will not feel satisfied until he is beyond "messed up".

But like Justin mentioned, why fight? What is the point? Notice how I said "real self defense" scenario not "some guy talked junk to me". Some guy hurt my wittle ego.

There is no point in fighting over petty things.

Only when your life or real safety is on the line.

If your mind is filled with such thoughts, concerns and preoccupations prior to beginning to defend yourself then you have already lost in that confrontation. Your reaction time will be too slow. You will not see nor be able to move the flow nor use opportunities presented to your advantage.

Water does not think as it fills a container and assumes its shape.

The wind is not concerned as it encounters objects.

The other reality is that it is never wise to deliberately go where you know trouble and confrontation will be waiting for you.

Wakarimasu, tomodachi?

You train to react instinctively, if you have to think about reacting then you've already lost the fight.

Why fight? It does not make you a man, who cares what someone else says. If they hit you, then yeah, fight back. Do not just stand there, other than that, who cares about someone you will probably never see again.


I hestitate to defend myself sometimes not because I can't fight but because I am concerned the person I beat will come back for revenge later