> What do you thing about Bruce lee' one inch puch?

What do you thing about Bruce lee' one inch puch?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I thought need great power to do it,

I think it's amazing. :)

That video shows he did not hurt the men he "punched". You wrote "puch", so it could mean "push". I am a Chinese girl, and I can punch harder than Mr. Lee did. The video shows him pushing two men. They obviously were not hurt. If this video impresses anyone, he is much too easily impressed. Mark and El are not qualified to judge who is wrong. The video proves my point, and other people ahve noticed it as well. Xing-Yi master Wang Xu-Qin had a two-fold punch. Part of it "uprooted" a man, i.e. destroyed his balance, and the other part knocked him down when he was off balance. Bruce Lee is doing a milder version of that in the video. Bruce Lee was a phony. "Black Belt" magazine has had annual "Bruce Lee Issues" for a while. Once, Joe Lewis said that Bruce Lee never competed in any martial arts bouts. Later, someone said in reply that Mr. Lee was the lightweight boxing champion of his high school. I have seen some men who have quite destructive short punches. My first boyfriend does. He weighs 360 lbs., however, and he is extremely fast and skillful as well. I see Darth Scanadalous is at it again. I have studied some Japanese martial arts. In such classes, "Seiken Uke", and "Shuto Uke" are among he terms used. If this Darth had taken any such classes, he could have learned that, but he just looks at websites that are often badly wrong and makes a "roba" of himself, e.g. saying "Wu Shu" means "Stop War Arts" and now disputing what many Japanese sensei say.

Several comments:

1) It is more of a push than a punch.

2) It has very few practical uses for fighting. Better for showing off than realistic technique.

3) Every time this comes up people seem to bee amazed at it and seem to be in Awe of any technique they think has "Power".

4) Power is much less a factor in winning a fight than accuracy or techniques regarding where they are targeting an attacker. Power is over overrated by beginners. They seem to think that the person with the most powerful punch, kick, ....etc. will surely be the winner. Not so.


I don't know much about Bruce Lee's one inch punch...

What I know about the one inch punch, is that with a movement of the wrist upwards, the addition of the pelvis (a bit inside) and a movement of the body, similar to how warms move, you can add a lot of power in that type of punch:)

I did not see any "one inch punch" or "six inch punch" on this video. He moved much more than the distances claimed and just pushed two men into chairs in which they slid further back. Such sophomoric fakery does not impress me at all. It only makes me think less of anyone who resorts to such unrefined deceit, and I am appalled by anyone who is impressed by such "neko no kuso". A real punch hurts the man punched. I am considered a giant in Japan, and I am about 3.5 times heavier than Bruce Lee was, so my punches are much more devastating than his were. El speaks of Physics. It says Momentum equals Mass times Velocity, and Kinetic Enegy equals Mass times Velocity squared. Bruce Lee was much too small to rival such men as me in punching power. You are wrong to believe it takes great power to perform such parlor tricks. The men punched are probably doing as they are told, and the chairs could be greased to slide well. I would insist upon some men such as James Randi checking this feat before I was impressed by it. There are so many wild tales about Bruce Lee that it should make an objective person suspicious, at the very least. He was a showman.

EDIT: I see the troll Darth Scandlous is at it again. He claims that "Uke" does not mean "Block" and that some Okinawan master says so. Who is this anonymous man? He often tries to evade real issues with his rant that someone has many accounts. He sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic and a psychopath as well. He should be in an insane asylum, rather than causing trouble on here. He says someone has the same types of photos. My lover Miyuki is an actress-model-singer-dancer, so she has many fine photos by pro photographers she can use. There are many websites that contain dozens of photos of her. There is even a Yahoo Group devoted to her photos and biography. It is really dumb to claim that such a famous person is a child in her mother's basement. He would not dare to call her an "idiot" to her face or if I was with him. She could beat him in a fight, and he would be a baby compared to my friends 296 lbs. Nishikawi-san and 360 lbs. Garrett or me. Several people at some of my websites said they received messages from this troll and some of his pals threatening to say they were only one person with 20 or 30 accounts. he proves here that he uses such lies to try to intimidate people. That is certainly BLACKMAIL = extortion and is a serious crime. Conspiring to do it is also a serious crime. He also has sent many hateful messages that mislead naive people, e.g. PugPaws. Internet crimes are FBI matters, and we want some Americans to submit copies of these messages to the FBI. Such people as PugPaws will be told to show copiess of his messages to them to the FBI. It is sad that one hateful troll can cause so much trouble for so many people. He indicates he has lived among Asians a long time. If that is trrue, why is so he so ignorant of Chinese and Japanese languages and martial arts? In grappling styles, e.g. Aikido, Judo, etc., "Uke" means "person who receives a technique", so this troll is wrong even about them. There are many websites that show "UKE" MEANS "BLOCK" IN KARATE and prove Darth Scandalous wrong. Here are samples of them.


(Part of this first website was cut off. It ends with "ke.html" after the final U for Uke.)



Bruce Lee use much sleight of hand. "One inch punch" is really shove, push someone off balance. My lover Kyojin's Sensei use real short punches, three inch fist punch break six concrete blocks. Bruce Lee's shoves not hurt anyone, lover's sensei break bones if use short punches however. I occasionally try trap trolls, this time catch Darth Scandalous (once Sensei Scandal, then Dao Shi = Toppling Dung). He say "Uke" mean "Receive", really are several "Ukes" at Japan. One ordinarily mean "Receive, Receptacle, Prop, Support, Popular", etc. Symbol can have pronunciations Ja, U, U(keru), U(karu), U(ke). At Karate, Uke mean Block, are many types, e.g. Shuto Uke, Seiken Uke, etc. Darth Scandalous show ignorance here, he only look at websites that cannot give full complexity of Japanese and Chinese languages, he is quite unwise try teach Japanese lady her own language when only look at few websites that are often wrong. I am actress, model, singer, dancer, have many websites have fans all over world, many friend at Facebook and Twitter, some parts of my movies at Youtube, is libelous claim I not Japanese, easily disprove it too. He is crude pretender, imagine other people like him.

Another "Uke" mean "Fish Trap, Whisk, Weir". Most Kanji symbols have several pronunciations. Different pronunciations of some may have different meanings too. Are many possibilities of combinations of "U" and Ke", here are some of them!

U- at, from, than ; Ke- hair, wool, fur

U- Chinese emperor's name; Ke- intent, mood, air, flavor, spirit, mind, heart, etc.

U- feather, wing, blade of propellor; Ke- bewitch, enchant, deceive

U-help; Ke- temporary, false, etc.

U- bow, stoop, bend over; Ke- divination sign at flag of Korea

U- cavity, decayedd teeth; Ke- rare

U- horse chestnut tree; Ke- flower

U- right; Ke-gaudy, flower

U- mother, old lady; Ke- mystery

U- potato; Ke- lazy, negligent

U- sky, root, border, house; Ke- hang

U- polearm weapon; Ke- rare (again, different symbol)

U- be, exist, have; Ke- phonetic sound used in some words

U- barbaric, foreign; Ke- ruled line

U- crow, raven; Ke- scab, scabies

Are more U and Ke, some combos need connectors, I prove Darth Scandalous tell libelous lies, set trap, catch him. Not smart when such man of low IQ start battles when foe much more intelligent. He never learn, try same routine several times, always lose battles he unwisely start. I recall well when he start battle, he behave badly, refuse admit it, blame others when he is wrong. American friends may notify FBI since he and cronies try blackmail people, conspiracy at Intenet is serious crime too, he refuse face that.

this is the only time one inch was good for anything other than adding another one inch to something

Personally I never thing.

Mostly wrong answers.

Lee explains the mechanics of this technique in detail in his book, The Tao Of Jeet Kun Do.

It is not a "push" as Darth describes.

First, Lee differentiated between two similar techniques, the "one-inch" and the "six inch" blows.

These are violent, explosive techniques that employ the entire body.

A close friend of mine went to a JKD seminar years ago given by one of Lee's first-generation students... he volunteered to be hit while holding the phone book in front of his chest.

he was knocked to the floor and said it was definitely a violent blow and not a push... He thought he would have had broken ribs if not for the phone book.

If you're interested, pick up a copy of the "Tao", it's still in print.

Most people do not understand "inch technique" because their exposure to it is "Bruce Lee's one inch punch".

If you look at it from a perspective of someone who really understands inch technique, you will see that BL's is NOT Inch Technique.

It is a PUSH! That is not inch technique.

He learned that from Southern Praying Mantis Master Mok Foon, but he obviously was not paying attention to what Mok Sifu taught him.

So he's not doing a "one inch punch" he is merely pushing with his punch, which anyone can do.

Inch Technique is a characteristic of the Fujian and Hakka arts like White Crane and Bak Mei and Southern Mantis.

Bruce was a hack.


@mark - All you have to do is take off your "I love Bruce Lee" glasses and look at it as if it were not Bruce Lee. What he is doing is pushing. Stop trying to deify him and see what he is doing with your own eyes.

If you do not see that what he is doing is a push - you are blind.

He cannot explain the mechanics of inch technique because all you have to do is look at his posture(if you knew anything about inch technique yourself), and see that it is all wrong.

His stance is not correct. He is standing sideways. His body lunges forward.

These are not the mechanics of inch technique.

If he was doing true inch technique, the person would not fly backwards, but would fall straight down.

His body would not move forward. His rear foot would not lift off the ground.

What you are describing as: " violent, explosive techniques that employ the entire body. " is Fajing. Fajing is employed with inch technique, but inch technique can be applied without Fajing.

I know what I am talking about. I research and study Fujian White Crane Fist of the Su Family lineage.

Your answer is wrong.

@el... the equation you posted is not what Bruce Lee is doing. He is leaning forward. Inch Technique does not lean forward. It is ROOTED.

I executed inch technique on someone and the results were as follows:

He evacuated nasal discharge, tears flowed from his eyes, he spit up and felt nauseous.

That is what Inch Technique does... not shove someone against a chair.

Have fun riding on the Bruce Lee bandwagon.

@miyuki - uke does not mean strike. It means RECEIVE. Caught you! A Japanese person would not make that mistake.


UKE does not mean "block". Okinawan Master of real Karate-jutsu says this. Known all around the world. Unlike you and all of your different user names. People can read your stupidity and tell that it reads the same as the other identities you use. You use the same type of pictures - not real. Now you accuse me of "blackmail"... how much MORE of an idiot can you be??? Get out of your mother's basement and get a job. Find a girlfriend, if there is such a person that would get with a geek like you. Trying to act like you're Asian around people who have really spent decades around Asians. Grow up kid!

Mark is correct. It's a great example of physics put to action. Consider it an experiment in how force can be generated over a short distance. Force works like this. F=MA, Force(F) equals Mass(M) times Acceleration(A) what he was showing is that in a very short distance you can generate a decent amount of force by using proper mechanics and the mass of your body.

This action is the basis of a proper punch or kick. It's one of the first things you learn in boxing.

EDIT: A thumbs down for physics. Forgive them for they no not what they do

I thought need great power to do it,

Yes we now know.