> What do you guys think of this guy?

What do you guys think of this guy?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

personally i think this guy is quiet full of it, but then again i'm no k

Korati? Korati? What's a Korati? He can't even pronounce it right. What a Maroon!

You don't hit hard on hard. It's something you learn as a white belt. Punches go in soft targets. Of course you break your hand if you hit someone's skull especially if you had no conditioning. Only an idiot would punch someone in the head in that manner.

I hope he doesn't teach anybody but it looks like he does since he did make this video.

Yeah, I'd say he knows nothing about karate and never met a karateka. Karate was never really intended to be a sport in the first place and all he talks about is karate as a sport. He is right in that it does not work as a sport with all the rules limiting most of the techniques that make Karate Karate because it was not created for sport. If you have something that works and use it for something else and limit it so it will fit for what you want it and not the way it was intended, of course it will not work right anymore. I think he needs to read up on Mas Oyama.

He's never seen some of those techniques in MMA? I have. What is an "overhand right", is that not a reverse punch? Look at the second set of techniques in this video where the guy does a roundhouse kick to the head, followed by a reverse punch:

Oh my God! This guy is still alive? He used to write hundreds of articles on MA. The problem was I could never figure out if he's legit or not, it all seemed to me that he - and only he - pumped up his own popularity. I must have a hundred articles he wrote. If you try to bittorrent martial arts books, and end up finding a trove of hundreds of documents/books/articles, his stuff always fattens the load.

But he seemed to stop writing stuff for awhile, now this video is showing up?

He's right about the marketing thing about adults and kids. I think he's also right about the effectiveness of karate - because he qualifies karate as "as it is commonly taught today".

But then he ranted on specific techniques and how they're not effective. Which is bullshit because many of the techniques he mentions are used all the time in MMA and UFC.

Then he rants on breaking, demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of what breaking is for.

And the title "why karate doesn't work in mma" says it all: karate isn't meant to be in tournaments.

Some grandmaster. But now I know. Just another Joe Rogan.

On... and about Wakuza Waude - just ignore his answers - he's a point-gaming and bumbling idiot.

EDIT: Ok, so I found more of his material. I came across this:


I liked his message. I think he's spot on with it. So my opinion of him might be changing.

I do not suggest that anyone listen to what he has to say. He says he is a grandmaster. He says he is in the hall of fame. Then he says he has sat on boards and award black belts to 6 year old students. He said they deserved a black belt.

Can we say mcdojo?

He runs his mouth and talk about percentages. Where does he get these statistics? i believe he is just making these numbers up.


I understood what he said out the board. He also said he had no choice. But we always have a choice. You can vote against it regards. It is a disgrace. If I were asked to be on a board to promote a 8 year old to black belt I would refuse to sit.

It is not just in the West. There are good and bad schools all over.

I have only watched the first two minutes of this and I completely agree with what he's saying about karate in the west. He's 100% right.

The whole "grandmaster" thing is irrelevant. I know who this guy is.

I will watch the rest.


I just watched it all and I still have to say he's right.

Karate today in the west is a disgrace.

@JW - what he was saying is that he granted black belts to them because they deserved them under the criteria they were judged under.

So if the criteria stated they had to do 5 of each technique, halfway decent to earn the blackbelt, and they did exactly that, they deserved the black belt.

Those were the standards the particular ranking boards issued and what the judges had to judge according to - which in itself is a disgrace.

This guy is a complete wanker, He doesnt know what he is taking about because the have been MMA fighters or oeople associated with MMA with Karate back grounds.

Lyoto Machida

Bas Rutten

George St Pierre

Chuck Liddell

Shonie Carter

David Loiseau

Pat Miletich

Frank Mir

Rich Franklin

URiah Hall

Guy Mezger

and the list goes on - this alone says the guy is stupid.

Karate doesn't work in MMA just as little as MMA works in karate. It's two different sports that focus on different things. A lot of people in MMA started out in karate but no one goes to karate class to prepare for an MMA fight. It doesn't have anything to do with the effectiveness of karate. It's two different arts/sports. You can not train A to be good at B. Karate not being in the MMA doesn't say anything about the effectiveness of it.

Man what a character that guy you just to be like water a river runs stale ya know its like you look at my fist and whipppp and in the blink of eye nothing exists and thats all it really is a flick and nothing again I mean you have two six arms and four legs all martial art is the same we look at one stye and it not really what style is this style or that style and who is that master and what master can defeat what master its the way you take the challenge is it an approach or a regret what you said about my messed up kickboxing friend that passed on no one cared about him or my liver why is it that you let it get to you you should not bottles it up it is what it is and no one can understand why they said those things about him and his Jeet Kune Mind and how he told the Kickboxers things from thailand.


personally i think this guy is quiet full of it, but then again i'm no k